Bus 405 - Part Two

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"Cisco she disappeared again!" Barry yelled to me through the com. I was rushing screen to screen trying to figure out this meta's powers!

"I'll be right on that!" I responded and tried again to get into the cities streetlight cameras.




"Agh! It's not working guys!" I told the team. This was so frustrating, I've hacked into that system at least 20 times!

"I bet Felicity -" Caitlyn started.

"Don't-" I cut off. I still couldn't believe that it wasn't working!


That's all that ever showed up on the screen!

"Do you want to tell Barry, or..." I awkwardly asked smiling at Iris. Maybe if she told him he wouldn't as upset.

"Nope, you dug that hole Cisco," She denied and I sighed.

"Hey Barry," I started dragging out his name.

"Do you know her powers yet?" He asked and I sighed, I guess I have to tell him, even though it wasn't my fault the computer was broken.

"Funny thing is, we are locked out of the cities traffic camera's" I informed. "Mind telling me what is happening?" I asked awkwardly.

He sighed, "She went invisible again,"

"I know, you've said that already! What happened before that?" I re-asked. If I was going to piece together her powers I needed more information.

"I don't know Cisco! At first, it looked like she had fire powers, then she saw me and disappeared then reappeared on a nearby roof, but when I got to her she faded away right in front of me!" He complained, it sounded like this metahuman may have multiple powers? I don't know, there's never been a meta with more than one power!

"Maybe she has multiple gifts?" I told him. Fire manipulation? Teleportation? Invisibility?

Maybe invisibility? There hasn't been a meta with that power before. How do you find an invisible person?

I jolted forward from an idea hitting me like a bat. "Barry I have an idea!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He responded. I rushed towards a screen typing things faster than The Flash (not quite as fast). "Aaannnddd, Bingo!" I pushed enter and the thermal readings for that area came up. Even if she was invisible she would still give off heat!

"I found a heat source," I celebrated to Barry, zooming in on the individual. "She's approaching from the alley where the robbery happened!" I heard a blast when Barry sped off.

"Wait, Cisco. That isn't her. It's the robber picking up his wallet," He sighed. I sighed too, Ugh! I thought we had her! Where was she? Did she leave already?

"Well go get him!" I pronounced, "If we can't catch the meta, maybe this guy could tell us what happened."

"Good plan," He said and I smiled. This is why I should be the leader of Team Flash.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang