Chapter 6 - What A Day

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"Iris she has a hostage" Wally informed me through the com. A hostage?! I knew that this was a common thing for criminals to do, but we didn't practice a routine for these situations yet. First things first who was the hostage?

I went into the cities security camera system and found one close to the location. I zoomed into where they were standing, I didn't have to run the face through facial recognition to know who she was.


"Wally use your speed to free Willow!" I ordered into the intercom. I hadn't realized that no one knew who she was, maybe Joe did still.

"Iris, she's gone" Cisco informed me.


What type of friend was I? By trying to remove her from these situations, she gets herself put in them! "Willow," I sighed. She was just like me, always wanting an answer. I waited 2 years to find out Barry was The Flash, I couldn't let her know in the first month.

I had to get Willow back.

"Where is she Iris?" Joe asked. I searched for her on the screen, she kept teleporting and landing in different spots, but it looked like she was heading in a general direction.

"She's headed for the Keystone Bridge. If she gets out of the city we're gonna lose her for good, you guys have to stop her now." We have to stop her now! I don't want Willow to end up missing, or dead!

"Oh, Imma catch her this time," Wally said before speeding after her.

"I hate teleporters" Cisco complained before trying to vibe ahead of her.

I watched as they chased her rooftop to rooftop. Every time they got close to catching her she teleported away.

Then I saw a pattern, "Three, three... " I mumbled then figured it out, "She jumps every third rooftop! Cisco she's going to jump to the broom tower when she lands stop her, Dad meet them at the bottom, Wally-"

"I know what to do," He confirmed.

Cisco vibed to the tower, and wally kept chasing her into our trap.  I watched as the dots on the screen started falling into place.

"Peek-a-BOYA" He called catching her in his vibe blast, Wally ran up behind and pushed her through the portal. They landed below the building.

"Is Wilow okay?" I asked concerned.

"Willow?" Cisco asked confused . "Dead bang fellas," I heard through the earpiece and the cock of a gun. Cop car sirens echoed and I wondered what happened. "Look at that, we got her" Cisco mumbled, and I sighed relieved.

"Is the hostage okay?" I asked expecting Cisco's answer.

'Yea I'm okay." I heard Willows' voice boom in the com. "Iris I swear-"

"Yep totally okay," Cisco cut off.

This was going to have to be one hell of an excuse.

"Bring her back to S.T.A.R Labs."



"Yep totally okay," He cut me off grabbing back his earpiece.

"Hey!" I said standing up. He looked at me taking his goggles off.

"What's your name?" He asked gesturing towards me.

"What's your name" I retaliated. I was a little defensive after those events. I WAS TAKEN HOSTAGE! I had been teleporting across ROOFTOPS!

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now