Chapter 2

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As Annie half leads, half drags me towards Finnick's house. I have a few seconds to gather my thoughts. Annie is mumbling on about how she needs more girl friends and how I'm going to fit in perfectly.

Will I? From what I've gathered Finnick and Annie are excited I'm here, but what if this is some deal Haymitch has worked out? What if they don't like me? Who are these people who's opinion strangely matters to me before I've even met them?

Finnick's house is just as big as Haymitch and Effie's and from the little i know about Finnick, Effie has designed his home to match his personality perfectly. The house has 3 floors and a basement according to Annie. A stunning marble fountain welcomes us as walk towards the front of the house. Annie stops as we reach the staircase leading inside.

"Finn, go inside and find the others. Katniss and I will be inside in a minuet." Annies shoos him inside, then turns her attention back to me.

"Before we go in there i should warn you about Jo. She may come across... Rather.. In your face, rude and a complete bitch." Annie explains. "Just give her a chance, she will warm to you. From all the stories Haymitch has told Finn and I, you two will get on perfectly."

"Thank you for the heads up" I smile back, trying to hide the amusement. Ive only known Annie 5 minuets and she is someone I can imagine being friends with.

Im already hoping District 12 is going to be better than my life before. I do not have to worry about Prim's safety constantly, she will be fed and clothed. I can finally act like the 16 year old I am. As un-Katniss like as it sounds I'm looking forward to making friends and having a laugh for once.

Annie opens the door and gestures for me to walk inside. My eyes scan the grand staircase that takes majority of the room. The whole place is marble white and it looks like nothing is an inch out if place. However, just like my nee home, this house also feels so welcoming.

"FINNICK!" Annie yells as she walks around the door and closes it firmly.

"Everyones out the back in the cabin Ann. Take Katniss out there and I will be out in 10." Finnick yells from a room too our left.

Annie once again grans my hand and leads me through the house and into the garden. Once outside we walk down the back of what seems to be the garden and into the shade of the woods that I know my uncle and Finnick's parents own acres of. As we walk into the more sheltered area, i see the cabin Finnick must of been talking about. It looks around the same size as the 2 roomed apartment my sister, mother and i shared previously.

Inside a brunette girl with short hair sits on a sofa, joined by a face who looks very familiar. Annie marches straight in and the girl turns around.

"Katniss, this is Johanna. Jo, meet Haymitch's niece Katniss." Annie introduces us. I suddenly understand the warning I received earlier when Johanna gives me a look over.

"I wonder if shes as brainless as her uncle makes her out to be" Jo snorts while waiting for the boy to turn around. I roll my eyes to her remark and Annie gives me a sympathetic glance.

"Then the sour grape, sitting in front of us is.." I cut out what shes saying as he turns around. I cannot believe its taken me this long to realise. My old best friend. My only friend is sitting on the sofa in front of me.

"Hey catnip" Gale says halfway through Annie's introduction. The puzzled looks on Annie's and Jo's faces says it all.

"You two know each other?" Johanna accuses.

"Hello Gale, long time no see." I exclaim. Once again ignoring Johanna's comments.

I havent seen Gale since our fathers died. His father had been best friends with mine and my uncle. The 3 of then grew up together. So after the car accident that killed them in 4, Gales mother decided to move back too 12 where both our families originated. So I haven't heard a word about Gale for 5 years.

He gets off the sofa and pulls me into a friendly hug. I instantly return it. Ive missed Gale. I wonder if he still hunts like our fathers would allow us todo on sundays.

"Isnt this reunion warming. I think I'm going to get all emotional on you." Finnick gushes as he approaches the sofa. I pretend not to notice the way he brushed against Annie as he sat.

I go and sit down next to Johanna on the empty spot on the sofa. Im still a bit wary around this girl, despite the warnings.

"Kittykat, we hope you dont mind pizza as thats what we are ordering tonight. Your uncles treating us" Finnick smiles at the irritation my new nickname brings.

"Yeah I'm not a fussy eater. I'll eat what ever." I reply. I wonder if this is what everyday is like. Chilling at Finnick's, eating pizza, just having a laugh.

"Thats fine" Annie insures "we can just wait for.." Once again Annies cut-off as someone opens the door.

"Sorry Im late guys, i had to work a double shift at the bakery this morning" Immediately my eyes lock with his blue ones. His blonde hair once again falling in his eyes. The look of familiarity seems to cross his face too.

Before anyone can introduce us, I realise that Im looking right into the eyes of the boy i dreamt about last night. And the scarier thing is, it seems like he knows me from somewhere as well...

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