Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Once again I thought I was still dreaming once I woke. Peeta still starred in my dreams, but at least I have memory of meeting him. Instead of dreaming about someone I never encountered, I know this boy now, we are friends. I hope that's what we have become. Is it bad that last night I dreamt of more? No, reassure myself that it's because I've never had any friends before. I've always been on my own, just me and Prim. It must be because I've had my childhood taken from me, and that he's just being nice and showing me attention.

Not that I wouldn't mind starting something with Peeta. He is a very attractive, smart and charming boy. I would have been stupid not to notice the way his shirt hugs his muscled figure perfectly, or the way the muscles in his arm rippled and he reached across me to reach the pizza.

The sound of the phone downstairs is what finally snaps me out of my daze. After a few rings I realize that Effie must be out with Prim, so I take it as my cue to go downstairs and see who it is now. Pulling on the plush dressing gown that way hanging on the back of my door, I stop to get the phone. Who calls at this hour!

"Hello" I moan into the phone. When I see its broad day light outside, I figure out that I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon. It must be around 10 o'clock. I never sleep this late! The fact I only woke up once last night from a nightmare is a miracle itself.

"Katniss sweetie! I hope you slept well" my aunt's voice replied. With a grunt from me she carried on. "Finnick and Annie will be around again today. They said that they will take you shopping so you can get everything you need. It would be wise of you to get the mobile phone we talked about last night." She paused. "From what Haymitch and Primrose have said I take it the clothes in your wardrobe are very different to what you would usually wear." Yes, I don't think I have ever willingly worn a dress or something that looks like it came straight out of Barbie's wardrobe! "my friend Cinna has his own shop in town and between himself and Annie they are to choose you a new wardrobe that is deemed suitable here." I guess that's an improvement from what my aunts chose for me.

"Thank you Effie" I reply quickly, trying to sound as grateful as I could.

"no problem sweetie, I have set up everything with school and you are to start tomorrow. Go and see your Uncle before you leave and he will give you the money you need. Have a great time Katniss and I will see you later" and then she was gone.

My aunt always has such good intentions but she can be very clueless sometimes. I think that's why my uncle fell in love with her to begin with as she always puts others before herself, just like my uncle does.

After I marched back upstairs and found clothes that will not make me look horrendous, I go and tie my hair up in its usual braid. I walk downstairs and see that the clock on the wall states that it is half 11, I assume Annie and Finn will be round soon. After looking around the bottom story of the house, I find my uncle locked up in some room which I can imagine that it is used as the bar when Effie throws parties.

With a bottle of beer in his hand my uncle Haymitch greets me. "Decided it's time to get up have you sweetheart" he grumbles. Even though I know Haymitch is messing with me it still annoys me.

"Not that you would have noticed but I'm going out actually." I reply sharply. In return I simply receive a look that says well done, I glance down and gather that what I'm wearing isn't really sleepwear.

"Here" he says while handing me a brown paper bag. What is it now? "Effie thought it would be wise for you to have a bag to put your things in while you go shopping so she found this in her wardrobe or something. Apparently it's the best she could do short notice." I open the brown bag and see that Effie has placed an over the shoulder Prada bag, with the tags still on.

Just like Effie to always have the latest clothes, handbags and shoes. I must admit that she has taken the fact I'm not that girly into consideration. Since I have been here I already feel as if I have been spoilt more then I deserve. No one has been nicer to me ever since father died. I am so glad Haymitch came when he did.

"Thank you so much Haymitch" I walk over and give him a hug which is very unlike me. "I never expected any of this." I admit.

"Nothing but the best for my girls" my uncle replies. "Inside is some money for you, feel free to get whatever phone you want, buy lunch, do whatever. Just hurry up and leave me to drink." I simply mutter one more goodbye before I run out the room and find the kitchen. I have been too occupied getting ready to eat. My stomach starts rumbling so I sort through the food in the kitchen and find something that fills my appetite. Just as I'm about to take e a bite out of my chicken club sandwich the doorbell rings.

"Thanks Annie" I curse under my breath. I push my sandwich in the fridge, grab my bag and shoes and walk towards the door.

"Hell...." I start. "Peeta what are you doing here?" Peeta stands in front of me his blonde hair dripping in the rain, his hair has small droplets forming and his top has turned a darker shade of green.

"There's been a change of plans, grab your coat I'll explain on the way.."

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