Chapter 14

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Once again ignore any mistakes. And grammar errors.

Chapter 14

"Annie how much more of this stuff do we need?" I ask as we are taking what seems to be the 50th lot of bedding outside.

"Look i'll go get some more and go help Finn find the movie. You and Peeta can sort out a massive bed on the floor. We all need to sleep on it so it will be snug. Try you best." Then she walks back to the house. Leaving me with her pile of bedding as well as my own.

"Peeta" i hiss as i walk back into the den. "Ugh why isnt the light on! Who put all the stuff on the floor. Annie wants it like a massi...." Thump. Ive tripped over something and landed on something warm.

"Dont sit on me then sweetheart." Peeta chuckles. I glance down at what ive landed on and i see that im lying on top of Peeta looking down into his dreamy blue eyes.

"Omg you knew I was coming! Why is everything already on the floor?" I moan.

"Gosh women, how long has it been? And your already nagging me!" Peeta smile his trademark grin. "I already did as Annie asked and made somewhere for us all to sleep."

Good that saves me the stress i silently thank. Hmm this does leave us all sleeping quite close. I wonder what tricks i can pull tonight.

"Kat as much as im loving this. Im loving our competition even better. So would you mind getting up?" Peet asks. With a sigh i roll off him and over to the bigger space by the tv. Luckily i did as 5 seconds later in walks Finn, carrying annie under one arm and a some sleeping bags under the other.

Annie is screaming and hitting Finns arm demanding to be put down.

Once on her free she starts rambling "ive just been on the phone with Gale they will be 5 mins. It looks great in here you two!" She smiles and looks around at the room.

"Thanks" I reply with a massive grin on my face. "I wasnt sure how you usually have it but I tried" I'm trying so hard not to burst out laughing.

I can see the shock cross Peetas face. I bet he didnt think I would do that. His reaction makes my smile grow even bigger.


We are currently all sitting snugly together waiting for Finn to start the movie. Im wedged between Finn and Peeta, currently trying to think of ways to trick Peeta into loosing the bet.

The perks of watching a horror movie is that girls are supposed to be scared. Fool on them.

The movie we have selected is about 7 people going on a camping holiday in the middle of nowhere. 3 of the girls and the 3 boys are dating leaving the 4th girl the tagalong, and I'm guessing she will be the virgin sacrifice. It shows the boys playing a weugi board the day before and it turns out one of the boys is possessed. The problem is noone knows who, not even the possessed boy. And they go around killing all the girls untill the lone virgin is left. Its that whole crap romantic horror bullshit thats the in thing at the moment.

Most of the film i start moving closer and closer to Peeta. So finally when the 'screamish' part arrives I've practically jumped into his lap.

"Ahhhh" Annie and I both scream at the same time.

Luckily I end up turing right into Peetas arms. Not only has the movie shocked him but so has my response.

I take a quick peek at his expression and i believe the movie may of creeped him out as well. It takes about 3 seconds before his arms tighten and return my embrace.

That I am glad of. Even though the movie didnt scare me as much as I reacted. It has creeped me out enough to want to lock the doors while i sleep.

Once again without realising both of us stay in this embrace longer than we should have. We both part slightly but Peeta keeps a subtle hand on the small of my back. Giving me support and comfort.

Both Annie and Jo are to memorised to take any notice of what happened. Annie sitting in Finns lap while he murmurs thing in her ear calming her down. While Jo and Gale are walking out the room, probably going to the kitchen talking about the most gruesome parts in the movie. I sigh and turn back towards Peeta once they've left.

"Kat are you alright sunshine?" Peeta whispers. He brushes some hair out of my face and holds up my chin.

"Sunshine?" I question his little pet name. Thinking about it. I quite like it.

"Like many things revolve around the sun. I have known you for such a short time and already my world revolves around you. You light up my day like a ray of sunlight. And not only are you beautiful, your as radiant as the sun." After the words leave Peeta's mouth I'm not sure who leans in first.

We must remain this way for sometime, luckily with out Finn and Annie seeing a thing. We pull apart for air just as we hear Jos loud echoing voice cussing out Gale.

"Look bitches I think its time we call it a night." She sighs. Save the movie for another time. Gale goes and turns the tv off and picks a spot I assume he's going to sleep in. Finn pulls Annie by the hand and goes next to Gale. Leaving me, in the middle of Annie and Peeta and Jo the other side of Gale. No surprise there then.

The only problem is that due to only having 3 sleeping bags has left me and Peeta sharing a quilt. Annie and Finn have squished in a bag, Finn making jojes about finally getting his wicked way with her while she cannot escape. Then both Johanna and Gale have their own sleeping bags that are extremely close together.

Once everyone has settled down we turn the lights off and try to sleep.

After half an hour. I turn to Peeta and whisper "Peet, are you still awake?" He replies by turning around wide eyed staring at me.

The movie has triggered some sort of response about people dieing in the woods and reminds me of Gales and my own fathers. The images of their deaths keep getting muddled up with the images from the movie. And i really need some sort of comfort.

I look straight into Peetas eyes and for the first time in years i feel vulnerable. The tears brimming in my eyes shock us both and he starts to panic.

"Peeta?" I question.

"Yes" he replies. His voice melting like honey.

"Stay with me?" I whimper.

He wraps me up tight in his arms so my face is buried in the chest and his face is buried in my hair. Slowly inhaling and exhaling. Sound of his heart beating calming me down and making my eyelids droop shut. The last thing i remember before i fell asleep was Peeta quietly whispering to me his reply.


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