Chapter 10

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Sorry for any mistakes. I started writing this quite late at night from my phone. I will try and get a 'neater' version up soon. Please leave a comment/review. ~BM

Chapter 10

I've just kissed Peeta Mellark! Peeta. MELLARK! Omg he is so dreamy and perfect. The way he rested one hand against my hip and the other on cheek. It just felt so natural! Tomorrow is going to be awkward.

Wait, what if that kiss was all for show? What if he was practising for tomorrow? I am so confused. I hardly know him and he has me wrapped around his finger. Not that I am ever gonna tell him that!

Quickly I take a shower and get changed. Looking at the clock in my room I see that it has been over an hour since Peeta left me feeling completely confused. I get changed for bed in some comfortable pyjamas and try to get some sleep.

Its been such a busy day I honestly have learnt so many things I am worried I will mess everything up. What if I ruin anything.

Worried thoughts circle round and round my head, until everything goes black.


"Up up up! It's a big big big day!" Effie squeals from outside my room.

Ugh. I growl and turn over. Glancing at my bedside clock I remember I have my first day of school! Crap!

I look and see its 7. Good enough time to try and get ready. I walk over to the death trap called my wardrobe. Focusing really hard must pay off, as I remember what Cinna suggested I should wear for first day back.

I quickly find the skin tight dark blue jeans and an even tighter pink top, with a revealing cut. I find a black leather jacket already hung up on the door and decide to try it.

As soon as I'm dressed i hear a knock at my door.

"Katniss, dear. I was wondering if you would like me to help with your makeup." My aunt warmly asks. She sticks her head around the door and gasps. "Darling you look amazing!" She gushes.

After she sits me down and rubs some cream on my face. She declares that there is no need for foundation or blusher. So as she attacks my eyes with eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara I realise how grateful I am to have her in situations like this.

I decide to have my hair down for a change and pull out my normal braid. The thick curls surround my face and I use my fingers to comb them neatly. I look up and see my reflection in the mirror and I cannot believe what I'm looking at. The girl looking back at me is not someone I recognise. I hope this works.

I pull on my leather jacket, some heeled boots Cinna taught me to walk in and grab a matching bag. I nearly stumble once or twice but I soon get used to the shoes and tightness of these jeans.

I notice Prim at the bottom of the stairs and smile to myself. I am so glad we got her out of there before anything ruined her innocence. Now she has a new chance of life. A new chance of hope. And I am so grateful.

I notice the little part of her shirt sticking out over her skirt and smile even bigger.

"Tuck your tail in, little duck" I tease. She turns quickly on her heels and returns my grin and quacks at me. Then as if shes just noticed what I'm wearing she does a double take and steps backward.

"Wow Katniss you look... Hot!" She giggles. Where did that come from? Oh my. Note to self: keep Prim away from Johanna.

"Thanks, look at you though Prim." She does a little turn and nearly falls. "Oops" I catch her before her leg leaves the ground.

"Is all of this for Peeta?" My sister questions. No. What? I turn bright red and realise the half of the answer is yes and Prim knows that.

"Katniss likes Peeta!" She starts singing. "I bet you like his buns!" She bursts out laughing and not like her giggles earlier but full body shaking laughter. "You know, buns. As he's a baker" gosh shes amused this morning.

I ignore her comments and turn to the kitchen and eat some cereal. It feels good to have some food first thing in the morning. Its not something I'm used to.

Prim wonders in just as I'm finishing washing up. She comes up from behind and wraps her hands around my middle and squeezes.

"How are you doing here?" I question, remembering I have hardly had anytime for her in these last few days.

"I love it hear! My new best friends coming over for a girls night soon! Aunt Effies going to book a beauty team to come and pamper us" she breathes.

"Well thats good Prim. Im sorry you had to leave all your other friends behind." I apologise. Everyone loved Prim. I may of not had any friends but she wasn't lacking in that department.

"Its okay Katniss, I understand why we had to leave. Mother wasnt very well." She sighs. We both turn as we hear a knock on the door.

Its time.

"I'll get it" and shes gone before I can decline.

I grab everything Effie brought me for school. Haymitch left me some lunch money. I gather it all together, put it in my bag.

"Katniss its you boyfriend!" Prim yells. Clearly unimpressed at how long its taken me. "You know the one with the nice buns." Then the whole body laughter happens again.

"Thanks Prim, I'm just coming. Im sure Peeta is fine by himself for one second." I mutter the last part.

This is it. I leave every part of shy, normal Katniss and embrace new Katniss. I turn the corner feeling the warmth Peeta brings to everything.

The second our eyes meet. I remember we are supposed to be pretending. I didn't even batt an eyelid when Prim called him my boyfriend.

As soon as I am close enough. He pulls me closer and wraps his arms around me. My arms automatically go to his neck and I let out an embarrassing groan. He smells amazing.

After nestling his head in my brown curls he leaves kisses all up my neck and whispers in a husky voice.

"Wow. You look..." He sighs. "I hate the fact it has to be this way. I would of preferred to do this the proper way."

He releases me and grabs my hand. We walk towards the car in silence. Then I remember what happened. Has Peeta just implied he likes me more than a friend?

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