Chapter 6. The Party

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At thirty past six, Elina sat in front of the mirror making her hairs. She tied her long hairs into a loose bun. She stood up and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a black gown until her feet. It was a simple yet an elegant gown, the dress was gifted to her by her Uncle and Aunt on her Eighteenth birthday.

She crushed the rose petals and painted her lips with it, which complemented her dress. Looks never mattered to her but then the world was attracted by looks even though it was the personality which makes a person attractive. She took a last glance at her reflection and exited the room.

When she reached the main door, she saw the lord in a black suit with a clean white shirt. His hair combed back, allowing to see his intimidating red-brown eyes. He was looking breathtakingly handsome with his features like his high cheekbones, firm jaw and mysterious eyes. Manier times, Elina use to get confused whether he had brown or red eyes or whether it was a combination as sometimes it looked more like red whereas sometimes it looked more like brown. She stared at him to find out now which colour they looked like, his eyes drifted

to hers and she realised that the lord had caught her staring and a smile crept his lips. She quickly moved her gazes on to the woman who was standing next to him. The woman had blonde hair and she wore a Royal blue coloured gown. She had sapphires all over her neck, the woman looked like an elite member. The woman's grey eyes met her and she smiled at her. Elina smiled back and moved towards Stefan and Olivia who were arguing like always. Sometimes, she couldn't understand that why they fought so much but then they were two naive children always fighting with each other.

"Wow! Look at my sister, she looks so damn pretty" Stefan complimented looking at Elina.

"Indeed, You look Gorgeous Elina!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Afterall she is my sister", Stefan said pulling Elina towards him.

" What do you mean- your sister. She is my sister" Olivia said pulling Elina towards her.

Both of them started pulling Elina's arms towards them, with her stuck in between them. "Stop it both of you or else you will break my arms!"

"Sorry Elina", both of them apologised at the same time moving behind, releasing her arms free.

"See you copied me again"

"Shut up Stefan! We don't have time for your stupidness. See, Evan and Giselle are already waiting for us" Olivia yelled at him.

So she was Giselle. The one about whom the lord was speaking yesterday. She is pretty but something was weird about her, the smile she gave was a gentle one but it seemed a little creepy. Anyways she had to do nothing with it, thought Elina.

They moved towards Lord Evan and the lady named Giselle beside him.

"Hello, Let me introduce myself first" the lady spoke her dull grey eyes looking sharply at Elina "My name is Giselle Thompson. You must have heard about the Thompsons, my dad is one of the reputed nobles. Most importantly, I was the first assistant of Lord Evan. What about you?"

"She is my Sister. Do you have any problem miss assistant no.1?" Stephen defended jumping into the scene.

"When did you buy yourself a sister?" Giselle mused.

"Why? Do you have any problem?" he asked her smiling.

"Ofcourse not, why will I have a problem. Did you bring her from the streets just like Lord Evan brought you?" Giselle said only to flinch hearing Lord Evan,

"How dare you speak like that to my brother?!", he yelled at Giselle angrily.

"Calm down Evan. She is just joking, Right!" Olivia said keeping a hand on the Lord's shoulder and throwing a glare at Giselle. Lord Evan didn't speak a word and dashed out of the mansion.

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