Chapter 35. Mission-part 1

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Merry Christmas to all my lovely readers!

Elina's POV

My back was leaned against the hard wall of the cell waiting for our next tormenter to enter. Like every week, today Queen Diana will send one of her witches to try their magic on us.

Jacob's back was leaned against the wall--just like mine--with his eyes closed in deep thoughts. He had been this way for a while now.

"You know. She wasn't always this way." He slowly opened his eyes to look at the ceiling.

I tilted my head, confused who he was referring to.

"I mean Ginevieve." he said clearing my confusion before speaking, "When she was small, she used to be this sweet and bubbly girl who happened to be my best friend. We grew up together as her mother stayed next to our house with her elder sister Patricia. Her father died when she was really young. We used to play, learn and do everything together. But one day, when Ginevieve was around seventeen, Patricia tried to kill her mother and Ginevieve due to black magic. And that's when everything changed..."

By Giselle aka Ginevieve's confrontation to Jacob when I came here, I knew for a fact that Jacob and Ginevieve knew each other. But It never popped in my head to ask Jacob about it.

And now, when he was confessing about it himself, I was really eager to listen. Afterall, I never expected Giselle to be sweet by the way she acts now.

"I told Ginevieve to inform the royal family about it as they were the one who took care of the dark witches. She being the girl she was back then, didn't want anyone to kill her sister even though her sister almost attempted to kill her. Somehow, word got out and soon the royal guards were there to execute or burn Patricia."

I didn't know Giselle had that type of nature back then. From the girl she's now, she wouldn't think twice before killing innocent people.

A look of sadness crossed Jacob's face, "But what we didn't expect was for the town's folk to accuse Ginevieve's mother and her as dark witches along with Patricia. Even though, Ginevieve and her mother never practiced black magic, they were blamed. One thing led to another and soon enough Patricia was burnt alive followed by her mother the next day. When the time for her execution appeared, Ginevieve ran away."

I was perplexed by the information Jacob just gave me.

Ginevieve was innocent. Her mother was innocent. Still they were the one who faced consequences due to Patricia's intentions. Why does that always happen? Why do the innocent have to always bare the consequences?

My parents were innocent. Still they were killed. Though, Olivia said it was Stephen who killed them and I believe her but something doesn't feel right about it.

"Does dark magic change the person entirely?" I asked out of the blue to clear my mind off my parents. Though it was somehow related to Giselle's story in a twisted way.

"There's a reason why witches are burnt or killed for choosing black magic, Elina." Jacob said seriously in his thick bulgarian accent, "When a witch chooses dark energy breaking the nature's law, dark entities posses them and turn them into a person who is full of evil and darkness. All they will want is power. They will do anything to attain more power. They become power-greedy. They tend to lose every bit of humanity they posses."

I gulped. I knew exactly what it did to Giselle. The girl Jacob mentioned doesn't exist in Giselle anymore.

She could have tried to proof her and her mother's innocence. She could have made the town's folk realise their mistake. She could have moved on after she ran.

But no, she chose black magic and now she doesn't care if an innocent dies or she kills one, in that case.

I am no one to judge afterall? Still, there could be possibility of her being a good mate to Daniel if she didn't chose the dark path.

About Daniel....

Jacob had said me that Daniel being a werewolf, will have two mates. One, his soulmate and the other his mate destined by the moon goddess.

His mate pull will be much strongest than anyone since he's a werewolf. Which will only make it more painfull when he knows Giselle, his soulmate, is a traitor who betrayed all of us. I can't imagine how much it will effect him.

Considering I am human, my mate pull is very weak but it's still there. How much ever I ignore my feelings for Evan, I still know it is there, somewhere in the corner of my heart.

But Daniel, he'll get the happiest feeling in his life only to be stabbed by betrayal. I just wish his mate turns out to be better than Ginevieve.

Stephen's POV

I and Olivia were stood in front of the traitor queen in an unknown place as we got teleported here. By the huge stone walls surrounding us, I can say we are in a fort.

"One of you will accompany my alley while the other stays here with me." Queen Diana informed.

I wonder who this alley is. If she's the one I think...

Just as I thought about the devil, I heard the ticking of heels on the floor as the woman I hate the most in this world walked to us flipping her hideous blonde hair.

Blonde hair looks pretty on others except Giselle. She looks ridiculous in every single thing!

"New witches, I see." Giselle smiled showcasing her white teeth.

By the way, How is her teeth so white? Did she put detergent on her teeth?

Despite my strong will to knock her out, I smiled back 'cause I'm doing all this for my sister. And I can't risk Elina's life when we're so close to finding her.

"Stephanie, right?" She looked at me with questioning eyes as I wondered  who she was talking about.

Olivia nudged me making me remember my ridiculous girly name.

"Yes." I put on my best efforts to sound like a women.

"You'll be accompanying me to the cellar where you'll try your magic while miss Lara will be staying here with the queen," Giselle informed referring to Oli's fake name.

I and Oli nodded simultaneously agreeing to her.

The last one month had been hell for everyone.

Daniel and Ariel had kept a firm eye on every movement of the Queen while Claire traced the hidden hybrids. She was supposed to trace Giselle at first but than Giselle was too good in hiding herself so we decided to search for the hybrids.

Lisa is stuck up with my semi-insane brother. Evan is totally consumed by his own powers that is making him crazy every other day. Lisa can't let him free even for a minute as he might destroy everything around him. I have to find Elina fast to bring my sane brother back.

While Olivia and I were trying our best to win the queen's trust. We had to do horrible black magic. Though, we never did it. Afterall, we aren't witches. But it still hurt to see the innocent suffer.

Claire had given both Oli and I a portion due to which the person we are around will think we're performing magic when in reality we are just moving our hands and doing nothing. The portion is based on the thinking of the person. If our opposer thinks we are witches, than they will feel the non-existent magic we're using and it might even hurt them even if we aren't doing anything to them.

Giving an assuring smile to Olivia, I followed the devil as she led me to the place where Elina is held captive.


I haven't proof-read the chapter so please forgive me for the grammatical errors.

I know I'm boring you all. But believe me the rescuing will be done and Elina will return back to Evan soon....

The chapter was really long so I had to split it into two.

Part 2 of this chapter will be hopefully updated on Sunday or Monday:)

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