Chapter 9. Undiscovered Truth

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When Elina woke up next morning, she felt tired. Eyelids heavy due to lack of sleep, she wanted to stay in the bed. Remembering that she had to meet Olivia at midnight, she got up to a sudden halt. It was 11 in the morning and she was still sleeping. She had to go for the job. Getting down from the bed, she heard a knock on the door. A young maid entered holding a tray filled with food.

Looking at the food, mice started running in her stomach. She hadn't eaten any food in the party yesterday as most of the food was made for vampires which contained blood and she had refused it politely.

"Here, your food," the maid said handing the tray to Elina "His Highness has gone out for some work and will return back at evening. So, today you have a holiday" the maid gave a broad smile, her hazel eyes shining luminously. Elina was amused looking at her expression.

"I am Elina. What's your name?" she asked and saw the maid think for a few minutes and then reply.

"Maria" she replied.

"Thank you for the food, Maria"

"My pleasure" with that the maid left the room.

Elina brushed her teeth and seated on her bed to eat food. She tore the bread into two pieces and stuffed it inside her mouth. She had really bad eating habits. Her aunt used to always scold her for her eating habits. After finishing her meal, she kept the tray on the table and quickly moved downstairs to meet Olivia.

Olivia must have waited for her at midnight and she was sleeping like a dumb girl, Elina scolded herself internally.
Reaching downstairs she saw Stefan instructing a maid about something. Thinking he would know about Olivia, she fastened her footsteps. Stefan dismissed the maid when Elina came there.
"Hello sister"

"Hello, Stefan. Do you know where's Olivia?" Elina asked to get a quick reply from him.

"She's gone to the nearby town for some errands to run herself and will come back tonight. She's a hard working woman. Perhaps, I don't believe it" he waved his hand in the air making Elina chuckle "You didn't see the whole mansion, right. I will get you a trip in the mansion. So, shall we?"

Elina nodded her head. The whole day was left for Olivia to return so that she could speak to her and It was better to look at the mansion than sit in her room and get bored. They started walking through the large corridor, one side that was covered by a wall and other exposed the small pond which was met by a tall wall again "Wow! There's a pond inside the mansion!"

"Yes, Evan stays calm due to the water bodies" Stefan looked at the pond thinking something.

Elina didn't understand what he meant by 'stays calm due to water bodies' but she stayed quiet looking at Stefan who was in deep thoughts. Suddenly he snapped his head "Come, I will show you somewhere" he took hold of Elina's hand and led her two floors up to a huge room that was guarded by two bulky guards who stood aside and bowed as Stefan and Elina entered the room filled with paintings.

There were different and natural colour paintings of the past kings and queens; dukes and dutchess and other royalists. Looking around, her eyes landed on a picture at the end of the huge room. She made her way towards the big picture frame.

The picture comprised of a woman with long chestnut hairs until her waist, big brown captivating eyes and a gentle smile on her lips. Elina moved her hand towards the painting to touch it, that was when she heard a voice.

"She is Evan's mother. Beautiful, isn't she?" Stefan said walking towards her.

"Yes. So she's your mother?"

"Well, No, she is Evan's mother," he said looking at her.

"What's the difference? You both are siblings afterall"

"We are but I am not Evan's blood-related brother"

"I am sorry" she apologised realising she shouldn't have spoken about it.

"You need not be sorry" she looked at Stefan who had a calm expression "I was brought by Evan from the streets and declared as his lost brother. I was a vampire since birth but I don't know anything about my parents or from where do I belong. Evan had always loved and cherished me like his own brother. I never felt like I was adopted. No one knows that I am adopted except for Me, Evan, Olivia and now you. For the whole world, I am the prince, the blood-related sibling of the Lord of Veneton"

Elina didn't understand what to say after listening to Stefan's revelation about his bloodline, Evan adopting him and the secret still undiscovered by anyone. She stayed quiet until a sudden realisation hit her head. She had heard Giselle speak about Stefan being brought from the streets after which the Lord had fumed with anger.
"How does Giselle know about it?"

"I don't know how she got to know. Evan was saying maybe she heard someone speaking but the truth is we never spoke about it"

"It's rather strange" Elina stated to hear him agree.

"Yes, indeed it is"

"I promise you, Stefan, I will never tell the secret to anyone and never accuse you like that Giselle. God knows what she thinks of herself. If something ever goes wrong, you can kill me with your own hands" she said holding his hand and saw him snap his head up looking her.

"Don't ever say like that. I will never kill you whatever the situation might be" he said shaking his head "I know you won't say anything to anyone. I trust you, my little sister"

A tear escaped her eyes and she saw Stefan wipe it off "Why are you crying?" he asked concerned and saw her shake her head indicating 'Nothing'. They exited the room.

Elina felt fortunate after hearing him. They just met a few days ago and still, he believed her blindly. Stefan except his playboy personality had a sad past but it looked like he loved his present and she had seen both the brothers together. Indeed, Evan really was considerate about Stefan. She was happy that he was enjoying his life now.

Walking through the mansion, she came to know that her room was just 2 rooms away from Lord Evan's room whereas Stefan's and Olivia's rooms were at the farthest end of the corridor. She saw the ancient sculptures, abstract arts, canvas, instruments, chariots of the royal family and the garden she had wished to visit since she has seen it from the window of her room.

It was already dawn after they finished exploring the mansion. Elina bid her farewell to Stefan and walked towards her room. She turned the doorknob and stepped inside her room. She took a seat near the window and looked outside at the sky.

Life was filled with sorrows. Everyone had their own piece of sadness. She lost her parents, she lost her sister, she was a burden on her relatives. Life was never fair to her. Thinking about all this had only made her throat dry. She got up and picked the jug only to see it without a single drop of water. She exited her room and headed to the kitchen. She was thankful that there was nobody in the kitchen.

Filling the jug quickly she started walking towards her room. It was a danger to wonder in the mansion alone when there were a bunch of vampires starving for human blood. She fastened her steps when she was three rooms away from her room that was when she heard a woman speaking in a frightened voice.

"P-Pardon me M-Master" she heard the women stammering. Elina held the jug closer to her bosom and moved towards Lord Evan's room. Peeping from the half-open door, she saw a woman sitting on her knees as if pleading for forgiveness. It was Maria, the maid who brought her breakfast in the morning. Her eyes were filled with tears but there was something strange. Her bright hazel pair of eyes Elina saw in the morning had changed into dull grey eyes which for some reason haunted her.

"You will not be forgiven" and with that Lord Evan made her stand abruptly and dug his fangs into the maid's neck sucking the life out of her. Elina flinched looking at the scene, the glass jug in her hand fell down and broke into pieces thus getting unwanted attention from the Lord.


I am sleepy. It's 2 in the morning and I am still awake!
Sorry for any wrong typos or grammatical errors.

I hope the chapter came right:)

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