Chapter 11~ Guard Belaerys

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"You look beautiful, my lovely Helena." Joffrey whispered in Helena's ear, touching her shoulders. He had been nice to her today, even let her keep the dragon eggs that a noble man had offered. 

Oddly enough, Helena liked the dragon eggs and so did Claw. Claw liked the two dragon eggs so much he slept with the eggs. 

However, Joffrey seemed to be more into Helena rather than something ancient and magnificent. 

"My King..." Helena whispered, trying not to show how much she wanted to get rid of him. Every man that cared about her and knew how she felt about Joffrey looked like they wanted to cry once she had entered the chambers with him. 

She was no longer in her own chamber, but she was in a new chambers... A chamber made for the King and Queen. 

"Have I ever told you how much I've longed for your perfect body?" Joffrey said, sounding as if he thought Helena would respond that feeling. However, she had to. She had to pretend like she responded with that exact same feeling. 

So she turned around and smiled, her hands touching his shoulders. "As have I, my King." 

Joffrey looked Helena right in the eyes and something hungry started to build up in his eyes as he put his lips on hers and hungrily kissed her, with a passion for something that Helena was new to. 

Joffrey took her dress off quite quickly to her surprise and suddenly her naked body was visible for him to see. Joffrey was very cold, unlike Helena whom was as warm as ever and shaking with fear.

He touched her stomach with his fingertips, when suddenly he put her on the bed and whispered all kinds of things in her ears. 

Without actually wanting to, Helena found herself moaning and crying at the same time, luckily for her Joffrey did not witness her crying. He was too busy fucking her to see the tears running down her cheeks. 

It made Helena glad and furious at the same time, but there was nothing she could to as Joffrey tore his way inside of her as she screamed of pain. 

Just like that, Helena's virginity was gone. 

Five Months later

The past months had not been as bad as Helena imagined. Robb and Theon were not here any longer, of course, but she had naturally cried her eyes out. Having Robb and Theon here was all she wanted, a true wedding gift she could not be more thankful for. 

Joffrey treated her quite well... For now. He was showing clear signs of love, something that Helena disgustingly had to respond with love as well. 

Cersei hated her, naturally... Sansa kept on admiring Joffrey, even though Helena was his wife. Arya was as playful as ever, and Lord Stark seemed to be very busy. However, he always made time for Helena. 

However, Helena missed Winterfell dearly.

Not to mention...

"Your belly has gotten bigger." Arya said weirdly, looking at Helena with a nervous smile. Helena was sitting on the terrace of her siblings chambers and held one hand against her stomach. The sun was shining so clearly on her.

For the first time, Helena was enjoying herself and the peace. No one was bothering her today...

"Well, of course it is getting bigger, Arya!" Septa Mordane said and laughed. "Your sister is still skinny though! You need to eat more, Helena!" 

And Helena agreed. She had been so hungry it was a wonder she could not eat constantly. Helena picked up chocolate cakes with strawberry and starting eating it, something she loved. Well, she loved all sweets now. 

The Dragons Heiress (Game of Thrones)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα