Chapter 28~ Bolton

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"Sansa is first," Helena said to Jon, sitting in the dining room. "We know her location, we know exactly where she is. We will save her before anything happens to her."

"How do you plan on doing that?" Jon questioned. Helena knew that she could not leave, which is why she would personally not go there. She would drag too much attention with her dragons, and Claw would easily be recognized. 

Besides, she still needed to find Arya then attend to Bran and Rickon. 

"The Unsullied." Helena said to her brother. "There is a secret gateway into the castle, lord Varys has told us every detail. If that plan fails or is late, Littlefinger will know what he has to do."

"Will it work?" Jon asked, which Helena herself had thought about allot.

"It is easier said than done." Helena said, looking down. "But I need to find Arya, not to mention Bran and Rickon-"

"I guess you haven't heard then..." Varys interrupted just as Jon's look faded away from Helena's. It looked like regret in his eyes, sorrow. Helena turned her look to Varys and narrowed her eyes. 

"Heard what?" Her look went from Jon to Varys. "Heard what! Jon, what is it-"

"Theon," Jon said. "...He took over Winterfell and burned Bran's and Rickon's bodies. He is planning on making it-"

"Making it a Greyjoy territory." Helena gritted her teeth as she closed her eyes. "That can't possibly be true. Theon would... He wouldn't- Jon?" Helena got up from her seat, her breathing uncontrolled. 


"I will kill him." Helena said, her violet eyes flaming. "How could you just... Why did you not do anything, Jon!"

"Helena, what am I suppose to do?" Jon shot back at her just as she slammed her hands on the table, making Devrys getting closer to her. 

"Theon was like a brother to us! He betrayed us! He killed our brothers and took our home, Jon! Does that mean nothing to you?!" she roared at him, feeling her eyes burn, her heart beating like a fast drum. 

"Of course it does," Jon erupted with the same anger. "But I can't do anything! I haven't got two dragons, Elena! I don't have an army of Unsullied or dothraki men!"

But Helena did not listen to her brother. 

Instead, she went out, climbed on Rhaegar and flew to Winterfell, ignoring the screams of her brother. 

Sansa's POV;

Margaery Tyrell was his new betrothed. Before, Sansa would've wept with jealousy, but now she would smile because he would not lay an eye on her any longer. However, she could not do any of it. 

Because every night, Sansa dreamt of how he killed her father and her nephew. Sansa didn't even know if she had to hate her sister for leaving her here? Why would no one come and save her? 

"Lady Sansa!" Helena turned around, seeing someone she had not expected to see. Especially not in the garden of King's Landing, usually she would think of him to be in a brothel running his business. 

"Little-... Lord Baelish." Sansa said with a soft tone as he came up to her. 

He smiled at her, darting his eyes around. "May I accompany you?" Sansa nodded, not because she wanted to, but because it was rude. She knew that Petyr Baelish loved her mother and also knew that her father despised him. 

However, they did trust him despite his reputation. 

"Where is your husband, if I may ask?" Her husband... Lord Tyrion. Sansa was dumb for thinking lord Baelish did not know. 

"Probably somewhere drinking, I imagine." Sansa said, laughing it off as a joke, knowing it was actually true. Littlefinger looked at Sansa, almost carefully, and she saw a secretive smile hiding somewhere right there. 

"I have some news, lady Sansa." he then said, darting his eyes around the royal garden. He was quiet, his hands behind his back. Sansa knew this was something no one was to hear about, something that was meant to be a secret. 

"What kind of news, my lord?" Sansa asked, looking at him curiously just as he gestured to a stone bench. Littlefinger looked everywhere before sitting down, making sure no one was there. As he sat, he looked at the sea which could take Sansa home once and for all. 

"Your sister has planned an escape for you."

"Helena?" Sansa's heart almost stopped beating. "Where is she? Is she waiting for me-" Sansa got up but Littlefinger took her hand and sat her down once again. 

"Milady," Littlefinger carefully looked around again. "Queen Helena's plan has failed, so I will escort you back to Winterfell."

"But Theon-"

"The Bolton's actually," Littlefinger said, almost sadly. "But with Helena's help, we will stop the Bolton's too."  Sansa was shocked. 

The entire North was turning against them. They had forgotten their true friends, they had forgotten the Stark's which were once considered royalty in the North. The Bolton's were sworn to serve under the name of House Stark. 

"What will Helena even do? She can't do much if the Bolton's have taken-"

"Sorry to interrupt you, lady Sansa," Littlefinger narrowed his eyes as he breathed out. "Your sister has two dragons bigger than Balerion the dread after just two months and has learned to wield a sword better than the dothraki." 

"Balerion? Dothraki?" 

After hearing about Balerion the black dread and the dothraki army, Sansa was unsure if he was actually speaking of the Helena she knew. Of course, she'd heard the rumors, but she hadn't heard this. 

But one thing was for sure. 

Tomorrow night, Sansa was leaving for the North. 

Jon's POV;

Jon looked at Devrys whom was clearly struggling, it was lie he could not handle having Helena gone. Of course, Jon was no fool. He had seen many looks from men on Helena, but none of them were like ser Devrys'.

There were looks of longing, happiness and horny men watching her. But the look that came from this dragon lord reminded Jon of his fathers look on Helena. 

A look of care, love and safety. 

"She'll be back," Jon said, looking at him blankly. "I know Helena, she would not do such a foolish thing."

"I am sorry, milord," ser Devrys said, turning his look to Jon. "But the Queen has changed. She is not the one you once knew-"

"She is my sister," Jon explained coldly. "I know my sister better than anyone. She knows when to act and not to act." 

At least he hoped so, cause even if she had that dragon, she could not possibly burn anyone alive there, cause that meant she'd be burning Rickon. And fighting alone would end up in suicide. 

"I'm going after her." Ser Devrys started to walk towards the gates. Jon, of course, knew that was a foolish move. 

"Tell me, ser Devrys, do you know what will happen if you cross the Wall to get to Winterfell?"

"Why should I care!? God's know-"

"I love her," Jon said. "I really do, but walking there would take more than days. Walking out there, means death. We both know the North isn't safe anymore."

Jon turned around and started walking. 

"Besides, winter's coming." 

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