Chapter 24~ Khaleesi

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Joffrey's POV;

Sometimes, at night, Joffrey had nightmares of his Queen. He had loved her, no doubt, but she did need to be punished, right?

However, in his dreams, when he punished her, she hit him back fiercely, her dragons always behind her like two big beasts. Bigger than mountains. Her violet eyes were like flames every time he had looked into her eyes. 

It was like her eyes were taking his soul with one look. 

If she survived fire, she would surely survive anything else. "I want her dead. I want her head on a spike next to her fathers!"

"That would be foolish." Tyrion said back. Of course, Joffrey knew better. 

Or at least he oath to. 

"Fine," Joffrey said with a smirk. "I'll have her sister dead." 

"Did you not learn anything?" Tyrion questioned, looking at Joffrey with angry eyes. "She will kill you if you do, and the rest of the kingdom, too. She is waiting for you-"

"She is my wife! I'll have her do as I please, I am a King!" Joffrey said calmly and confidently in front of his people. The great hall was, after all, packed most of the time. 

"She is no longer your Queen nor your wife, but the people of Kings Landing call out her name! They call her the Queen of Ice and Fire! Fire, Joffrey! Fire!"

"What of ice then?" Joffrey smirked, knowing that humor would make the nobles like him more. This would let them know he showed no signs of weakness. 

"Her blade." someone walked into the room and Joffrey was surprised to see the Hound walk into the room. He too had joined the fight with the Stark's and the Frey's to rescue Jamie. However, it was on command. 

They couldn't really say that he was happy to go. 

"Her blade?" Joffrey questioned. "Pardon yourself?"

"Pardon me, your majesty." The Hound said sarcastically. "Queen Helena-"

"She is not Queen!" Joffrey erupted, but the Hound had the same unbothered  look. 

"She has her fathers blade, and I suggest you lay low if you'd like to enjoy the rest of your reign." 

Helena's POV;

It was nice and sunny, nothing like Winterfell in Astapor.  However, Helena did prefer Winterfell. 

For it would always be her home, despite her being a Targryen. 

"Here in Astapor," Jorah said as they walked along the path, a clear path... "Daenerys is trying to get the Unsullied army on her side."

Helena had heard of them, however, how could she possibly bargain for that? She couldn't possibly have anything of worth for such an army. 

"How?" Helena questioned. "Has she got anything of their worth?"

"Yes... She has the-"

"No," Helena said, knowing what ser Jorah was going to say. "Selling her dragons would not be worth any of it. Surely, she has something else in mind..." Helena said just as they went left, seeing a telt with a bunch of men. 

Dothraki men. 

Helena had not expected to see so many dothraki men an had expected less once she started walking between them as they crowded around her. 

"Ser Jorah-..."

"It's your dragons," Devrys said as they walked. "Stark and Rhaegar are literally stuck to you and only you, besides... Your beauty and your eyes is a declaring that you are different." Helena looked at ser Jorah for approval and he nodded.

The Dragons Heiress (Game of Thrones)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz