Chapter 31~ Hunger for death

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Sansa's POV;

Today was the day. 

Today was the day that Joffrey was going to marry his new Queen, Margaery. Today was their wedding day and she didn't mind what was going to happen, for she was going home and that was it. Sansa didn't particularly care. 

As Sansa looked into the mirror, her eyes shining with something that looked like happiness, Helena was behind her, helping her to put on her dress. Shae had done her hair, but no longer. Today Helena was doing her hair, just like her mother did. 

"You look beautiful," Helena said and smiled. Sansa felt beautiful. "Your mother would've cried if she saw you now." Sansa sat down, smiling and thinking about how much she wanted to see her mother. 

Which she was unable to do. 

Helena started braiding her hair, two strands on each side, beautifully going down in one single braid. Sansa always liked the way Helena braided. Before she was a warrior, she used to be this kind and girly lady. 

Well, not very girly but she knew how to sow, braid and things a lady should know. 

It seems she has yet not forgotten how to braid like a northerner. 

"What is going to happen today, Helena?" 

"Nothing you need to know of, little bird." Helena said softly. 

But Sansa knew why her sister would not say anything. Helena might look at her like the little stupid girl she once was, but it's been months... 

Sansa was no longer the girl she used to be. 

"You're going to kill him, aren't you?" But Helena said nothing, she kept on braiding in silence. Sansa looked down at her hands, entwining them and shaking her head slightly. 

"I know you think I have not seen anything but... He's.. he's done things to me, too. After you left, I was his new doll to play with."

Helena stopped braiding and seemed to be listening carefully. It was almost like Helena had to listen like a statue in order to keep her calm. 

But then she kept on braiding. "What'd he do to you?" 

Should Sansa really say it? What if... What if this affected everything? 

"Sansa!" Helena stopped braiding, finishing the last piece as she crouched beside Sansa, holding her hands. 

Sansa felt her voice crackling even though she wasn't quite speaking. But when she decide to speak up, her eyes seemed to burn with tears with no other heat she has ever felt. 

"Joffrey ordered ser Meryn to rape me."

"Did he?" 


"Sansa, did he do anything to you!" Helena demanded to know, her eyes viciously big and worried. It was like she was suffering. 

Sansa shook her head whilst looking at her sister in awe. "No... Ser Barristan helped."

"Ser Barristan?" 

Sansa explained everything on their way out, but when speaking of the devil, he might just show up in his glory. Which is exactly what happened. 

"My lady!" Sansa turned around, knowing that Helena should not be showing her face very much since everyone knew how she looked. However, being dressed like a Septa would not raise too much attention to her. 

"Ser Barristan."

Then he went down on one knee.

Helena's POV; 

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