Chapter 19~ Queen of ice and fire

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Helena and Devrys had been more than welcome, but even Robb was scared of her dragons which Helena had expected. Lady Catelyn was surprised to see her, and sitting here, at the table with her known family, Helena was going to explain everything. 

Devrys stood behind protectively where Helena sat. Even in Winterfell, everything seemed to be so differnet. Helena didn't really know why though. 

Walder Frey, of course, had looked at Helena as if she was a snack. Although, no one seemed to go against her or talk ill to her as they did before when she was only known as a bastard and not a Queen. 

She is still a Queen and she is, by all means, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. However, if she wanted the Iron Throne was beyond her thoughts cause as this moment Helena only wanted revenge, and the first step was trustworthy people and an army.

"My Queen," Walder said in fear. "How do you have the dragons? Should we not kill-"

"Ser Devrys," Helena said, interrupting Walder while still looking at him. "If Lord Frey suggests something so foolish next time, behead him." Helena said this merely because she did not trust Walder Frey. 

She had her reasons. 

Suddenly, Helena looked at Lady Catelyn. The woman whom had despised her all along, but there was something she burned to ask for. 

"Milady," Helena said, looking at Lady Catelyn. "Did you know?" And Helena didn't even have to declare herself, for Lady Catelyn already knew. 

Lady Catelyn looked at Helena with what seemed like sympathy and Robb was simply confused, but Helena did not blame him. She would expect nothing less from Catelyn than to keep the secrets to herself. 

"When Ned left with the lot of you to King's Landing, he told me the truth... And I cannot describe how sorry I am for being so..-"

"You don't have to apologize," Helena said kindly, smiling kindly at her. "I understand."

"Understand what?" Robb said, still amazed by the dragons before him. "Helena!" 

It was obvious that her secret would go out one way or another. After all, she had dragons! This wasn't something that was very normal. But if Robb knew about her, she wondered if he might kill her or... throw her away as if she's never been anything. 

Helena looked at lady Catelyn for some kind of help. Lady Stark only gave Helena a nod, as if to trust her biological cousin and so called brother. 

So there was only one thing Helena could do. 

She got up from her chair and looked at everyone in the room, including Walder Frey. 

"I am no bastard," Helena said, standing straight and speaking clearly. "I have never been a bastard and for some time I almost wished I would've been born as a bastard." Robb watched his sister with confusion, everyone else in the tiny room watched her with the exact same confusion. 

Yet, the fear in their eyes were clear because of her direwolf, her dragons and Devrys, too. 

"My real name is not Helena Snow, nor is it Stark or Baratheon. My father never was Eddard Stark and my mother was not a whore. I can connect with my dragons for a reason, fire is not my enemy for a reason..." Robb's eyes seemed to come to its senses, yet he seemed to be in disbelief. 

"My name is Elyana Visenya Targaryen, first of my name, daughter of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark whom married in secrecy. I am the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and I am one of the last two living dragons in this world." 

There was a sudden silence in the room, but Helena didn't plan on shutting her mouth. She was going to make this speech worth their time, she was going to make them realize that she was not a bad Targaryen nor a bad Stark. 

Neither was she going to prove herself a bad Queen, for she wasn't. 

"My father, Lord Eddard Stark, kept me and my twin brother Jon, Aegon Targaryen, hidden from the untold truth and therefor I owe the Stark's my life." Lady Catelyn looked proud for the first time. 

"While my stay as a Queen in King's Landing I learned to know that I was going to have a son, being Joffrey Baratheon's son... On the day of giving birth my father was beheaded in front of me. My son, my newborn son that I had not even seen or held myself, was killed by your King. He is a monster, he may be rich and give you a fortune... But in the end he will destroy you."

"Helena..." Robb said, still in complete disbelief. Helena shook her head and kept on going. 

"Your king ordered his guards to rape me in the Great Hall, then he would have me burned alive. But fire does not hurt a dragon, which is why I've come here! I will not make you or threaten you, but I ask you, Robb Stark, if you will fight by my side." 

Robb took a long look at her, and in that long silence of moment, a man spoke up. It seemed like the only man foolish enough to speak was one of Walder's incest sons. 

"How the fuck do we know you're really a dragon? You say fire can't hurt you-" Helena went to the fireplace just next to Lady Catelyn, crouched and stretched out her hand to reach the fire. She felt how the fire poked her palm like, almost like a soft tickle. It made Helena smirk as the men watched her put her entire arm into the fire without her making any sound of pain. 

She got up and looked at the son of Walder Frey. 

"I won't lie to any of you, I expect us to be honest to each other. Loyalty and trust is what will make us win." She looked at Robb for confirmation whom got up from his chair, seeming as if he was going to strike Helena. 

She hoped not, cause she was more worried for him than herself. Should he strike her, Devrys probably would've cut his hand off and Claw himself would've ripped Robb to pieces. Not to mention the dragons... 

Maybe they did not spit fire just yet, but they were still creatures you did not want to piss off. 

"You are not my fathers daughter," Robb began, walking towards her. "Your grandfather was a maniac, a mad king... You have dragons that could kill us all- however!" Everyone looked at Robb, almost in shock. 

"You're still a Stark by blood, you're still the same Helena, twin of Jon Snow, my sister. I don't care if you're a Targaryen or if you have dragons! I will fight by your side if you fight by my side! My sword is yours, and yours is mine." Helena smiled and caught a glimpse of lady Cat's smile as well. 

Happiness spread around her entire body. 

"Brothers!" Robb shouted at the men in the room, which they responded to with another shout. "I ask of you as men to vengeance my father, my dead nephew and..." Robb gestured to Helena just as he bowed down before her. 

"The Queen of ice and fire." 

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