Rain, Rumors, and Rudeness

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The Cullens arrived in Forks, Washington, once again. Carlisle had gotten a job at the hospital, once again. The "children" had been enrolled in school, once again. The town was still small and rainy.
Something had changed, though. In their years of being gone, a girl had arrived in the cloudy town. People called her completely insane, mad, bonkers.
For the first week of school, Edward, the mind reading Cullen vampire, was overwhelmed with thoughts about what had happened over summer vacation to the girl they called Celia. Rumors floated around the school about her. They said she had finally snapped over the summer. They said she was sent to the loony bin, the nuthouse, the psych ward.
Carlisle had heard rumors, too, and assured Edward that wherever this girl was, it wasn't Forks Hospital. Edward didn't know why he was so intrigued, but he assumed it had to do with the thoughts being forced into his head all day every day.
It went like this for a couple months, eventually, though, the thoughts and the rumors died out. However, one day in December, the school started to chatter about Celia again.
They said she was coming back. Students complained. Parents got angry. Whatever this girl did, it was serious.
It was December 10th at exactly 8:04 am that the Cullens caught sight of the girl. She wore white tights, a blue dress, and a black bow with matching shoes. She was talking to her self as she walked through the parking lot full of students.
"I'm late. So, so very late. I apologize. Very late." She mumbled as she picked up the pace, seemingly oblivious to everyone's eyes on her.

She rushed into the school and went straight to the office where she saw the receptionist roll her eyes

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She rushed into the school and went straight to the office where she saw the receptionist roll her eyes.
"I see you're back, Celia." She said rudely, handing the girl her schedule for the year and a detention slip. Celia looked at it, confused. It was blank. She looked back up at the woman who scoffed.
"Heaven knows you'll get one today. Might as well have one handy." The lady said. The Cullens we're listening in from the hall, and Edward was angered at the rudeness of the woman.
Celia came stumbling out of the office and walked down the hall with her head down. People whispered and Edward saw horrible things from other students's minds. People were saying that she tried to kill a family. They said she worshipped Satan. They said she was schizophrenic.
Celia sat in her seat in her first period class, English. It was her favorite class, and she was honestly happy to be back in school. Everyone else, not so much. Celia was known to speak too much and become too opinionated in class, always causing her to get detention or extra homework assignments, which she didn't mind.
"Good morning, class." Mr. Wilcox started. He grabbed a piece of chalk and began writing on the blackboard. "I trust you all finished your homework." There were uncomfortable shuffles and groans. The teacher rolled his eyes and turned around, only to see Celia Liddel raising her hand. He sighed, knowing it wouldn't turn out well.
"Yes, miss Liddel?" He asked. Everyone was quiet, waiting for the girl who had been gone the first few months of school to speak.
"Why do you always ask? For the last three years you've taught me different English courses, and every day you ask who finished their homework, and every day everyone whines and makes up excuses. Why do you even bother?" Mr. Wilcox sighed again. He had taught Celia English for three years. She was a brilliant young lady when she wanted to be.
"It's my job, Celia. Now if we could please-"
"But why? Who decides what you have to say every day? That seems preposterous. They cannot tell you what to say." She said innocently. Mr. Wilcox pinched the bridge of his nose and a kid in the back groaned and called out.
"Oh just shut it, would you, Liddel?"

Celia walked into the lunch room, her book bag slung over her shoulder, and walked to her usual table in the corner. No one ever sat with her, and she didn't mind. It had been that way for years.
Eyes widened and conversations stopped all around the classroom when a Cullen, the family that didn't talk to anyone, walked over to the table that Celia, the crazy girl, sat at.
Celia looked up slowly from her book. Her eyes met golden ones, and she tilted her head.
"Yes?" She asked softly, innocently, yet so bravely.
"Hello. My name is Alice Cullen. I was wondering if you would like to sit with my family and I." Alice said in a voice like bells. Celia was momentarily mesmerized before she nodded.
"Okay." She grabbed her bag and followed the small girl to a table full of other golden eyed people. Alice sat down silently, and it was like Edward immediately shut down. He was overwhelmed.
Her mind was certainly not like anything he had seen before. Bright colors and unordinary things flashed at impossible speeds through his mind. He caught glimpses of funny looking animals, smiling cats and rabbits with watches. Blue smoke swirled, red hearts, a tall man surrounded by hats, Celia in the middle of it all, then nothing. Her mind went completely blank.
Her smell was intoxicating to Edward. Not intoxicating like normal human blood. He did not want to drain it from her body. No, he wanted to protect it. Protect her.
Celia watched as Alice threw a sharp elbow into her brother's side. He snapped out of it and smiled at Celia.
"Where did you go?" She asked curiously. Everyone frowned, looking at her confused.
"What do you mean?" Edward asked.
"Where did you go just now, when you were zoned out. I often go to Underland. That's where all of my friends are." She said again, not realizing that she sounded strange.

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