Twenty, Trust, and Teleport

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Not one of the three people standing miles away from the Cullen home knew what was happening.
"Cathleen." Celia breathed.
Edward could see and hear that Cathleen Liddel had no idea how she had been in the Cullen's driveway one minute, getting into her car, then in the middle of the woods with her missing sister and her weird friend.
"I knew it!" Cathleen cried, "I knew you had something to do with this!" She pointed at Edward, stepping closer. Celia stepped between the two and faced her sister.
"Cathleen, I can explain." Celia insisted, only to stare dumbly once her sister told her to go ahead and explain.
"I, uh." The younger blonde stuttered.
"Celia you are missing. Do you not understand that? I know that it's difficult for you to understand," Cathleen began speaking like she was disciplining a child. Celia listened as Cathleen talked down on her, and the realization that that's how her family thought of her appalled her.
"Cathleen." Celia sneered, cutting her sister off. Cathleen raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not a child. I'm not insane," Celia gestured to her head dramatically, "and I do not need to hear you talk to me like I am." The intensity took Edward and Cathleen aback.
"How did you get here?" Edward mumbled, mostly to himself since he knew Cathleen didn't know. That's when it seemed to dawn on her again.
"I-i don't know." She whispered.

Celia sat in the living room with Cathleen, Edward, and the rest of the Cullen family.
"I don't know. I just want to go home." Cathleen mumbled, after being asked how she got to the woods without anyone noticing. Celia scoffed.
"You can't go home until we know you won't tell anyone that you saw me." She said, glaring at her older sister.
No one understood why Celia was slightly hostile toward her older sister besides Edward.
"Well then you'll have to kill me." Cathleen said sarcastically.
"Cathleen, we're a little worried about you right now." Carlisle said softly, he always was good with talking to people. He was a doctor, so people trusted him. Celia was the first in forever that didn't.
"I don't know! I was thinking about your weird family and him, "she pointed to Edward, "and I just knew he knew where she was and then I was getting in my car and then I was in the woods and my missing sister was there!" Cathleen argued. The twenty year old glaring at everyone in the room, her eyes only softening around Esme, who reminded her of her own mother. Everyone seemed to see this and Edward heard it all at once.
Esme stepped forward and put a hand on Cathleen's leg.
"Honey, I know it doesn't seem it to you, but we are trying to help." Esme said softly.
"What, did you tell my sister you wanted to "help" and now look at her?!" Cathleen wasnt making much sense in her frantic state, but she of course could see the differences in her sister. The orangish eyes, the even more than usual pale skin, the way she spoke, the way she interacted with the Cullen's. She actually looked at them and she touched them and she trusted them and Cathleen had never seen that from her sister before.
"They saved me!" Celia boomed suddenly, standing from her spot with hatred written on her face, "Don't you ever accuse these people of anything more than treating me more like family than you ever did." She spit with venom.
She was boiling. She could feel the anger bubbling and she wanted to do something about it, but there was nothing she could do... Except leave.
"Celia, don't." Edward mumbled, grabbing her hand quickly, hoping to make her stay. Celia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming herself and taking a seat next to Edward again. Edward kissed the girls head before they turned back to Cathleen.
"I want you to try something." Edward told Cathleen.


There was something different about them. About her. They walked with me out to my car and, for Edwards sake, I closed my eyes and pictured myself back in the house.
Minutes passed and no one spoke or moved. I wondered if they were even breathing.
"Can I stop now?" I rolled my eyes.
Ill just go stand in the damn house if that's what-
Everything around me changed.
I was standing in a room I had never seen before.
Oh my god. I just like teleported or some shit holy-
The door swung open and the Cullen's and my little sister stared at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and chuckled nervously.
"Get the Denalis on the phone." I heard Dr. Cullen mumble, making the big teen, Emmett, walk away with a grin.

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