Vast, Venoumous, and Volturi

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Edward and Celia sat silently in their room. Both were still and if we hadn't known them, you'd have thought they were actually statues. Eventually, Celia stood slowly from her seat and turned to face the still sitting Edward.
"Edward, I'm sorry if--" Edward held a hand up to stop her. He didn't say anything, just dropped his hand back to his lap and stared more.
"Carlisle?" Celia called gently, taking a step forward and grabbing Edwards face in her hands. A knock sounded at the door and Carlisle opened it.
"Celia? Is Edward okay?" The man asked, rushing toward the two.
"Can vampires go into shock?" Celia questioned, looking into Edwards darkening eyes. He shook his head gently, moving her hands and looking up at Carlisle.
"I'm okay," he murmured, making eye contact with his tired-looking father figure. He could read in their minds how worried they were, and he smiled softly, "I promise." He directed toward his mate.
"What happened?" A voice asked from the doorway, and we looked up to see the rest of the Cullens watching us.
"Perhaps it'd be best if I check things out before taking anyone, from now on." Celia muttered, guilt lacing her voice.
"Nonsense," Edward stood quickly, nearly knocking Celia over.
"Yeah, nonsense," Emmett waved sarcastically, walking to Celia and bumping her with his giant arm, "just take me next time." He grinned a Cheshire-worthy one.
However, all Celia could think was that perhaps she should find newer, safer places before taking Edward, or anyone else if it was possible, with her.
Once everyone had dispersed, Edward announced to Celia that he was going to speak with Carlisle about the encounter. Celia told him that if that was what he wanted, he should.
While Edward was distracted, Celia decided it a good time to speak with at least one of her vast amount of other family members. She strolled through the house looking for anyone. She eventually came across Alice and Jasper.
"Hi," she piped, sitting next to them on the couch. Jasper scooted slightly to make more room and threw an arm behind her on the back on the couch. Alice leaned forward and waved past him.
"What have you been getting yourself into?" Jasper asked, and they both gave her knowing, yet curious looks.
"Well, perhaps it's best to keep some of the theories as theories," Celia whispered, smiling softly up at them.

 "Well, perhaps it's best to keep some of the theories as theories," Celia whispered, smiling softly up at them

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She just wasn't sure if anyone else would react as Edward did. He seemed to be holding in more than she knew, though.
"Well, I guess that is your decision to make. You may be the only one who can travel interdimensionally." Alice comforted, her hand grabbing my own in my lap. Almost immediately, her face went blank and Jasper disconnected her hand from mine, leaning forward to make sure she was okay.
"Alice, what do you see?" He asked softly, and the tiny woman sighed softly in her vision. She snapped out of it and her eyes met Jasper's first, then flicked to Celia's.
"I saw..." She trailed off, and Celia caught in that Alice wasn't sure if she should hear.
"Alice, what?" Celia asked, growing concerned.
"The Volturi are coming."

"Why?" Edward spit venomously as he paced, though they all knew the answer.
They had met the Volturi several times before, as they were very persistent in their efforts to collect Alice and Edward. Nobody answered Edward's question aloud, but their thoughts said enough. He looked toward Celia and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him protectively.
"What's going on?" Celia whined again. Everyone looked away, reluctant to answer her. She sighed deeply and looked over to her mate, who also sighed.
"The Volturi are sort of like royalty to vampires. They make our laws and enforce them. There aren't many, but they're important to keep chaos at bay." Edward explained. Celia nodded slowly.
"Wait a minute, the other day Rose said that it was illegal for vampires to show themselves to humans. Does that mean they're coming because of Cathleen?" Celia looked up with concern, and it was the first time the Cullens saw Celia soften for her sister.
"Well, because we haven't actually revealed to Cathleen what we are, I think we are okay." Carlisle stepped forward, his hand on his chin as he thought. "However, when Aro looks through Celia's thoughts he will see Cathleen, and her gift. That could cause issues." He mumbled, and Celia stared at him with wide eyes as he rambled on and on about the Volturi and Cathleen and eventually, as he started throwing his hands in the air and muttering about wolves, Edward stepped in. I was frozen, just watching Carlisle unravel in front of us.
"Carlisle, Carlisle." Edward intervened, clapping his hands on to Carlisle's shoulders and leading him out of the room. Esme sighed deeply before walking to Celia.
"For now, go hunt," Esme looked into Celia's dark eyes and wondered how the poor girl had such great self control for a newborn, "and take Edward with you."
"But Esme--" Esme shook her head, cutting Celia off.
"Go, Celia." She demanded firmly. Making Celia nod and walk off.
She wanted to help, because it was obviously about either her or her sister. Edward was pissed and Carlisle was worried and she didn't like not having control over it. She wished that she could give Jasper help, too, because he must have been feeling everyone's emotions and trying to keep them sane.
As Celia walked closer to Carlisle's office, she heard them speaking in low tones.
"--they're not happy, Edward, but I think that members of the pack may have put in a good word for her, because they want to meet her," she heard Carlisle finish. She furrowed her eyebrows, concluding that they were speaking if the wolves.
"I don't know, Carlisle," Edward sighed.
"We have no choice, son. They have us pinned."
"Edward?" Celia called as she knocked on the door. As much as she tried to pretend she hadn't heard, Edward saw her loud thoughts.
She stood, slightly embarrassed at the thought of being caught eavesdropping.
"Um, I'm going hunting. You should come, probably." She spoke softly, and Edward and Carlisle shared one last look and nodded before Edward and Celia walked out.

Hello everyone! First of all, I wanted to say thank you all SO MUCH for reading this story and any other you may read. I appreciate you all so much! You guys are the reason I do what I love.
Second, I don't usually use my stories to promote others, but I just uploaded a brand new MCU Loki fanfiction with the first TEN chapters and I would LOVE for you to check it out! It's set in THOR:Ragnarok, so there WILL BE spoilers if you haven't seen it yet!
Once again, I thank you all so much and wish you the best.

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