Scaring, Save, and Stuck

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"You're scaring her," Edward snarled, taking a step toward Sam and I. Sam quickly turned and puffed his chest as Edward and him stood nose to nose, growling.
"Stop," Celia demanded softly, eyebrows creased. Edward immediately took to steps back, never taking his eyes off Sam.
"What is this about?" She asked once Sam turned back to her. She looked to Edward, then Carlisle, then Sam. Sam's eyes softened while looking into her wide, confused, golden eyes.
"I'll explain on the way, kid," Sam mumbled softly, before gesturing for her to follow him.
Edward grabbed her lightly as they walked by. He pulled her into a firm hug and kissed her head. She smiled softly at him before following Sam.
They walked through the woods; Sam had run instead if driving. Celia didn't speak, because Sam didn't speak and she was trusting him.
They eventually approached the treaty line, which ran along a large river. Celia prepared herself for the jump, but she knew Sam would have to phase first to make it. She waited patiently for him to be ready, and once he stepped up next to her, towering over her with black fur and human-like eyes. He nodded his wolf head at her, and she nodded back softly. She took a couple steps back, then ran until the edge of the chasm and pushed herself off. She landed with a thud on her feet and looked forward again as she stood.
Sam was already walking ahead of her, so she trailed behind and looked around at everything. They stopped a few yards from a red house much like Sam's and the wolf looked at her before going to phase. Celia once again waited patiently, she always was the polite type, and once he came back she smiled softly at him.
"So, here's the thing," Celia wanted to sigh in relief. For a moment she had worried that Sam wasn't going to explain, "the Cullens broke the treaty. They can't turn humans, it's one of the things we ask of them in exchange for us turning a blind eye to the fact that you're vampires." Sam explained quietly and quickly. Celia nodded her head, understanding a bit better, but still not knowing why she was there.
"We know you, Celia. We know that something happened to you and that you think the Cullens saved you, but--" Celia scowled, cutting the man off.
"The Cullens did save me, Sam!" She demanded angrily. Sam looked a bit taken back before sighing.
"Whatever it is, Celia, you're lucky the council agreed to meet Dr. Cullen and yourself."
She hated that people didn't understand what the Cullens had done for her. She was determined to make it known.
Sam led Celia to the backyard. The sun was setting slowly, but it was still light enough to see as Paul and Hared were building a fire. At the scent of Celia, they turned their heads toward their alpha and the vampire.
Celia smiled softly and waved, and the boys followed suit. It was awkward and tense until a voice spoke from behind them.
"You must be Celia." The woman turned quickly and she was met with three faces. One man in a wheel chair with long, black hair; a tall, wide man with gray/white hair; and a thinner man with curly hair.
"I am. Hello," Celia greeted sweetly with a wave. The men smiled stiffly back at her.
"I'm Billy Black, this is Harry Clearwater and Quil Ateara Sr." He watched as Celia smiled at each man, waving shyly.
"It's nice to meet you all."

So, it came down to Celia sitting in a room with the councilmen and the alpha. It was quiet and tense, so Billy broke the silence.
"Celia, Dr. Cullen told us that his son saved your life," he stated simply, then looked to Celia for confirmation. Her nod began slowly at first, then grew quick.
"Yes, absolutely." She stated quietly. She didn't want to speak out of turn, so she waited for another question.
"Can you explain what you were going through?" Harry Clearwater asked from his seat. Celia's eyes lit up, but she tried not to show it. She would finally get her chance to explain what the Cullens did for her.
"It's a bit complicated, honestly," she began, "you see, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a young teen." Celia's mind was fuzzy on her human life, but she knew enough about Underland. She took an unnecessary breath before continuing.
"I had these voices, and sometimes I would let them take over inside of my head and I would find myself in another world," she looked to their faces, making sure they were keeping up, "and one day... Well one day I guess my friends in my head decided they weren't my friends anymore. They wanted to be free and I had kept them hostage inside my body." She shook her head lightly, as if trying to shake off the fear she remembered so well. "As a vampire, I now know that I wasn't making the characters up, I had a gift. It turns out the world I was travelling to was actually an alternate reality, and as a human I had so little control over the gift that I had accidentally trapped characters in a limbo." She shrugged softly. She wished she could cry.
"They kidnapped me, locked me in a room with nothing. Hardly fed me; betrayed me," she choked out, a sob threatening it's way out of her mouth, "time moved differently there. Here, it was only a couple days, but there..." She trailed off, the memories to painful to bare. It felt like she was reliving every second of malnourishment and fear.
"How long were you there, Celia?" Sam asked, genuine fear in his eyes as he watched the small, fragile-looking girl with such fear in her eyes.
"I was stuck in that room with those monsters for ten years." She sneered quietly, not meeting anyone's gaze.
"Edward Cullen saved me from torture and a slow, painful death in another reality. If that warrants death, then kill me." She shrugged, bringing her eyes up to Billy's.
"Nobody's dying today." He stated.

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