Missing, Markings, and Mutts

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It was early morning when Celia found Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Edward, and Jasper watching the news in the family room. At first she didn't notice their stressed features, but then she caught sight of the photo on the screen of the television and her eyes immediately flickered to her mate.
She recognized her own face, but at the same time, she didn't. She had begun to get used to her sharper, paler, more intense features as a vampire. Seeing her bright blue eyes and rosey, chubby cheeks on the screen fascinated her. Large words were printed above her photo, which moved to the corner of the screen to show a bigger view of a speaking newswoman.
"We do have a pleading distress message from Celia Liddel's family, which we will pull up right now," the woman said right before a screen with words on it popped up. The woman's voice read out the message.
"Celia has schizophrenia. We're very worried about her. It is not uncommon for her to run off sometimes, but she always comes back and rarely misses school even when she's not around us. School faculty hasn't seen her in weeks, just as we haven't. Please. Please help us find our daughter, we need her to come home.
Celia, if you're seeing this, please come home. If you're in trouble, we will find you."
The newswoman's face came back on the screen.
"As you can see, this is a very serious, emotional incident and anyone who has any news on Celia Liddel should report to their nearest law enforcement/emergency authorities immediately."
The woman moved on to the next subject, the rise of graffiti in Seattle, while Celia and most of the Cullens stared at the television.
"Celia..." Rosalie started. The older blonde was going to apologize, hug the young vampire and tell her that it would get easier and things would get better. She was going to assure her that staying away from them was the best idea. However, Celia merely smiled tightly at Rosalie.
"I'm okay, Rose. I understand. People are going to think I'm missing for a while. Then people are going to think I'm dead, and that's just the way it's going to be. That's the price you have to pay to be like us, and I would have been willing to pay any price to be free from my own mind. I was trapped, and I'm finally seeing the world how normal people see it. I'm okay." Celia assured before Rosalie even got another word out.
The Cullen family stared after Celia as she skipped out of the room and down the hall to her and Edward's shared room. Edward was the first to smile, then follow after her.
Celia was standing deep in the woods, taking unnecessary, deep breaths and trying to concentrate on something. She chose a tree nearby and began to imagine that tree, but in a reality where it was more sacred. In a reality where it wasn't just a tree in the woods, but something that someone loved.
She heaved in air until she felt herself slipping away into darkness. She never even felt herself hit the forest floor.
Celia stood from her same spot in the wood. She immediately noticed the difference between this reality and her own.
Here, there was a young couple carving into the tree that Celia had become focused on. They seemed not to be the only people who had taken knives to the trunk.
Celia lingered back until the couple slipped away, giggling and twirling in lustful ways. The blonde then stepped closer to the tree.
The highest markings were nearly 7 feet off the ground, but from there the bark was covered all the way down. Celia focused on what the carvings said and showed, and what she found sent her flying backwards with shock.
"We're all mad here"
"Mad as a hatter"
"How is a Raven like a writing desk?"
"Lewis Carroll"
"Am I mad?"
"Eat me"
"Drink me"
"Curiouser and curiouser"
"Mad Hatter"
"Cheshire Cat"
"Queen of Hearts"
"Alice Liddel"

"Oh my god." She whispered.

Celia startled awake after removing herself from the curious reality. She was in an unknown place with an awful smell surrounding her. The couch she was on was warm and worn, but before she could wonder where she was, her vision blackened and the new reality was named.
Before she had time to process the reality and it's new name, a man was in front of her with a stoney look.
"Who are you?" He demanded, making the tiny blonde glare slightly.
"I'm Celia, and whom might you be?" She retorted, taking the man by surprise.
"Uh, I'm Sam. I found you in the woods, unconscious. What are you?" He asked, slightly less intensely.
Celia put together that the awful scent from the man must've meant he wasn't human, and he knew she wasn't, either. Before she could answer, he continued talking.
"You smell like a lee- a vampire and your eyes are an orangish color, but you were unconscious." He said, and Celia wasn't sure if he was telling her what she already knew on purpose or not.
"I am a vampire. What might one call your own species?" She questioned as professionally as she could.
Sam had a lot of questions, but he couldn't get any out before Celia's phone began buzzing.
Upon pulling it out of the pocket of her dirty jeans, she saw the name of her clan's "leader," a more appropriate term being "father", on the screen.
She eyed Sam carefully as she answered.
"Hello, Carlisle." She said politely and calmly, as her tone usually was.
"Celia?! Where are you?! We were expecting you back hours ago!" Rosalie cried, followed by Alice.
"I can't see you, Celia. Where are you?" Then Edward.
"We caught a mutts scent. I should've warned you that they were back again." He said, and Celia could almost feel her mates unnecessary guilt.
"I'm fine. I'll be home, soon." She said, lowering the phone despite their protests, still staring at the "mutt" in front of her.

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