Love blossoms at the unwary seconds

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I am in love with this new cover

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I am in love with this new cover... OMG Allan is so hot. You have to put on with my craziness. I am literally jealous of Elena, Allan is smoking hot 🔥 .Cant help, I am insane by default😉.

Back to the story
Note:if you have certain taboos you don't like to read of womanly stuff. You are free to skip the chapter.

The sunlight creeped in through the tiny chasm in the curtain. I try to open my baggy eyelids, giving up I close my eyes to the comfort of drawling into fathomless slumber. After a few minutes I slowly open my tired eyes, I stare into the ceiling, the faint pallor of cream and white, the aura induces a sense of calmness. I fidget turning around to find myself clad in a tiny fabric. The fabric which emancipated the odour I adore, I crave. The odour of Allan. The unnerving odour which swarms a zillion butterflies in my stomach. I slowly gather my feet and traipse outside, I am familiar with his penthouse suite now. I am greeted by an old maid, she kindly enquires about my health. I nod asking her Allan's whereabouts she pointed towards the rightmost room. There on the chair he sat wearing a white shirt with an extremely minuscule fabric which provided a good view of the perfect abs and torso behind. I stood there drooling, I proceed forward noiselessly to choke by the whif of cigarette smoke.
He turned around facing me, his lovely face broke into a handsome grin. "Awake at last, my sleeping beauty"he said. He sat back, scanning me head to foot as his eyes raked upon me my consciousness wacked me hard of my scantily clad state. He whisked his cigarette inhaling it. I am not sure what came over me I crawled on to him, trying to grab his lips with a burning cigarette with mine.
He pushed me away, throwing away the cigarette. "you could have burnt your mouth"he bellowed.
"next time you smoke, remember you are shreds of fire are into my throat"i said.
"Am I not supposed to kiss you? "I cried
He threw away the cigarette, pulling me towards him, now I don't have a cigarette. What about the kiss?
"I haven't brushed" I said pushing his chest with my hand.
Allan sat there looking at the dying out cigar, he knew he can never touch a cigar again. He smiled at himself, Elle was indeed his lucky charm.

At breakfast, I sat next to him drooling at his good looks almost every second. I was shameless, I reckoned myself at my absurd attitude pin pointing my vision on the food and never letting it trail over to him.
"Come "he said.
Pulling me into the car, The vehicle glided through the road. His hands whisked mine sporting a grin on my face. I smiled like an insane woman.he led me to what looked like an airport. As we got out, the cameras flickered flashing with the blinding light. Allan grabbed me pressing my face to his chest concealing it from the prey of curiosity stricken media. I felt oddly comfortable, the heart beat of his ringing against my ears.
He led me to the runway where the paparazzi has ceased.
We mounted on to the airplane, my heart skipped a beat or two as my eyes set its foot on the grandeur. It moreover appeared like a personal suite. A tiny smile crept into his lips as I gawked at the suite inside the airplane. He sat on the couch relieved, no more paparazzi to disturb us.He fastened my seat belt as the flight took off. We removed the belts as take off was over.
We sat there in silence, I dreamily gazed at him as he was working in his laptop.
He smiled at me"something important came up. You can sleep here"he directed towards the small bed.
I lay on the bed as the realisation crept into me. I am sleeping in a suite in the sky with the most handsome man on the earth. My lips crawled into a hazy curl of a smug smile which snarls in when you are in the most happiest moment of your life. The elated feeling that blossoms in the deepest realm of your heart

The stars in the night sky,
I wish he was only mine.
Cold air of the heavens above,
Daze me into his heart.

His eyes trail over me,
My heart churns beyond repair
His single word
Chimes my day

If not love
Oh the darkest yonder
Let me know
What it is

He is my translucent cloud,
Shimmering shade of grey
in the darkest of skies
A silver lining he is.

I lay on the bed as a tiny cramp land on my lower abdomen. I flinch under the tiny pain that paces up with every passing second. I cringe in pain. I rushed to the bathroom to my greatest dismay. I am on my first day, a real nightmare. I panic as my eyes set on the fabric I am clad with a tiny white leggings. It is just a matter of seconds it is going to be tainted with red. But the excruciating pain in my lower abdomen grew unbearable that I literally shrieked in pain. I lay on the floor rolling into the ball weeping in pain.
Allan rushed into the room. "Are you alright? "he asked.
"mmm"i nodded clutching my stomach.
"does your stomach hurt, is something wrong? I am going to get a doctor "he said.
I felt blue, telling him still I ought to.
"Allan I am not sick I am on my period "I gave him a faint whisper.
He looked at me strained, then relieved.
"I will be back "he said.
I walk to and from, roll over the bed as the pain is unbearable. A nausea started fidgeting my gut so badly that I might puke any second from now. I tried sleeping but all I could concentrate on was the pain. Allan came into the room and gave me a pack of pad. I didn't ask him from where he got it. I was too weak to even ask. I rushed to the washroom. I sat there in pain as a grieving expression surfaced Allan's face. I tried to smile but all I could muster was a petite twirl of my lips that nay reached my eyes. He pleaded me to have the pain killers I staunchly refused because the very second one painkillers sets it's foot on my digestive tract I will throw up as it is the end of the world. I wish I could help you whispered Allan.
A strange mixed wisp of gastric churn struck me. The nausea was chiming in, the bile rose to my throat. I ran to the wash throwing up. I felt a strong hand hold me from behind. Caressing my back was my Allan's hand. He sat on the wash floor beside me comforting me as I puke my stomach out. He scooped me up and placed me on the bed, wiping my face with a wet cloth. I was in a dishevelled condition, too weak extremely grateful. Allan raised up my shirt tossing it over my head. He raised my inner shirt up-to my chest, I was too exhausted even to react. He pressed a hot water bag on. my stomach with tiny repetitive compressions. The pain was reducing, my eyes slowly drooped. I slowly drifted into a slumber though in pain but as the most happiest girl on earth.

I open my eyes, to see him leaning on the bed as I slept on his lap. He was fast asleep, the pain has drastically reduced. I crawled upto him, this guy touched my soul today. I knew one thing now.
I am irrecoverably insanely in love with Allan Hawthorne. I touched his chin, tiny strands of beard outlined it.he woke up, grinning at me.
"how are you feeling? "he asked.
"never better "I replied. He peered into his watch it's five in the evening Elena. It's your birthday. I haven't given you anything yet.
Tears sprang out of my eyes. "You are all I need Allan. This was my best birthday ever, no one, not even my mommy has cared for me as much as you did today. I am so sorry for being such a pain"i cried.
He pressed his finger against my lips"shhh"
We stared at each other as our eyes locked for a second which was more like eternity. The announcement was made which woke us from the trance.The seat belts were fastened, the flight landed. He tied my eyes with a black cloth. He guided me, I clinged to him. He led me to the car, this is called blind trust. The car speeded .
"at least now tell me where are we going? "I cried.
"you can see for yourself in a short while "he said.
I waited....
"here we are "he said removing the cloth over my eyes.
I sat there staring at my own house. I did something that I never counted possible by me. In a adrenaline rush of overwhelmed gratefulness I jumped on him claiming his lips. He was startled initially, but paced in with utmost passion. We broke apart panting for oxygen. It was perhaps the best kiss ever and the best gift ever, he knows the spell of my heart.
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With loads of love

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