Issues With Janice (Joey)

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You heard laughter coming from inside the apartment before you even made it all the way up the stairs. Carefully, you made your way up the stairway and nearer to Chandler and Joey's apartment. The laughter seemed to only get louder than it was before.

"Okay, I'll see you later. Bye, bye."

You knew that voice. You knew that annoying, loud, obnoxious voice. You dreaded it every time that you heard it. You wanted to rip your ear drums out every time you heard it.

"Oh, hi, ____!"

You forced out a smile, looking towards the door leading in to see Joey.

"Hey, Janice. Good to see you again." You nodded your head, forcing the smile to stay on your lips. "What're you doing here again?"

Janice laughed, the most annoying laugh someone could muster up in their life, and began smiling again. "Chandler and I are back together. Didn't you hear?"

You shook your head. "Nope. Didn't know."

Janice placed her hands on her hips. "Well, what are you doing here?"

You held back a laugh. "I'm Joey's girlfriend. Didn't you hear?"

Janice laughed once more, patting your shoulder before walking down the stairwell. You didn't hesitate to open the door to the apartment, toss your bag down by the door, and find Joey's lips immediately.

"Oh, come on, guys! Right here! In the middle of the kitchen! Think of all the germs you two could spread!" Chandler complained, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

Your arms stayed wrapped around his neck, even after you let go of is lips. "So what caused this sudden need for," He paused, looking between the two of you. "This." He coughed slightly. "Not that I'm complaining of course. I'm not. Totally not."

You laughed a little, pressing your forehead to his. "I ran into Janice in the hallway. Thought I could use some of," You mimicked his pausing effect. "This."

Joey smiled, putting his lips to yours again while you gratefully accepted it. Chandler making some sick noises in the background, causing you to take your lips away from Joey to look at him.

"Are you serious? You can handle that laugh but you can't handle a few minutes of me and Joey together?" You asked him, an eyebrow raised.

Chandler shrugged. "Yep, pretty much."

You sighed, rolling your eyes. You pressed your lips back on his once more before letting go and walking over to one of the few chairs in the apartment.

"So, why are you two back together?" You asked Chandler who looked over at Joey for support on his side. Joey held up his hands. "Don't look at me. I'm not the interviewer."

"For your information, for both of your information, I'm very happy with Janice." Chandler fired back, watching you look at him while you swung your legs.

"You said that the last few times. Could you repeat it again for us, please?" You joked, getting only an eye roll of an applause from Chandler. Joey laughed, peeling an orange from the bowl.

"Listen, if this time is really going to work, then I need to fully commit. I'm happy with her and I want to be with her." Chandler admitted.

You sighed, looking towards your swinging feet. "Oh, alright. But don't come to me again and asking for me to kiss you whenever you're sad again."

Joey's head snapped up. "What?"

Chandler's face turned red. "It was always after I got slightly tipsy-"

"Drunk. Full on drunk." You interrupted. "Please continue."

Chandler sighed. "Okay, 'full on drunk' after a break up with literally anyone and I always begged her to sleep with me. Is that what you want to hear?"

"I'd rather hear Janice's annoying laugh than this!" Joey fired back, setting down the orange. "And you agreed?" Joey turned to you.

You gave him a look. "Does it sound like I did? No, I didn't. I always told him to go and see you or something. Do you think that I'd give you up?"

"Well, Chandler gave up his dignity so I guess anything's possible at this point." Joey said, causing you to laugh while Chandler quietly sipped his coffee.

"I'm going to be late for work. I'll catch you two later." He said, dumping the coffee down the drain while you laughed at his exit from the apartment. Joey looked towards you, a smile on your face.

"So, when did Chandler start calling you?"

You sighed, standing up. "Joey, it's really no big deal. I never met up with him, I always said what I thought would be best for him, and obviously if I'm dating someone, I'm not going to cheat on them."

Joey smiled, a cute smile that made your heart soar into the heavens above. You walked closer to him, going behind him, and standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his shoulders.

"You know that I love you, right?" You told him, softly whispering it to him while he set the orange down. He couldn't focus on that orange anymore.

You let out a soft sigh, closing your eyes as you laid down on his shoulder. You knew he couldn't resist this affection.

Next thing you knew, you were spun around and his lips were on yours. You gratefully accepted it, putting your hands on his sides, pulling him closer to you by his shirt while his hand laced itself into your hair.

You let go for a brief second to stare at him. "Joey, I know that we've only been dating for like, several months, but maybe you should finally-"

He nodded, beginning to pick you up. "No, no. Not that. Maybe you should finally tell everyone, besides Chandler, that it's me you're seeing. I mean, Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, and Ross all don't know."

Joey sighed, his hands relaxing onto your waist. "I know, but I feel like I just want to keep you all to myself."

"How about this. If you do this for me, if you tell the rest of them about us, you can have me all to yourself tonight." Your fingers toyed with the neckline of his shirt as your eyes met his.

He eagerly nodded, a smile on his lips as he pressed them back onto yours. You accepted, suddenly hearing the door open and a light scream happen.

You let go to see Rachel standing there.

"Oh, God. Joey, is this another hookup?"

You scratched your head, turning around to face her.

Joey answered for the two of you. "Actually, we've been going out for a few months." Rachel stared between the two of you. "So, this is real?"

You nodded, a smile blossomed on your lips.

"Monica needs to know!" She shrieked, leaving the door open to the apartment as she ran across the hall.

You turned back to Joey. "Easier than you thought, huh? Guess who gets me all to themselves tonight."

Joey smiled, bringing your lips to his once more.



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