New Year's Day (Joey)

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New Year's Day involved a lot of your time being spent outside of the house, trying to clear your mind about all these work related things before you decided to go back inside the apartment complex.

"Hey, everything alright?" Ross asked as he came up to you, holding a bag of champagne in his hand while trying to spark a conversation.

You nodded, tucking your hands into your crossed arms tightly. "Everything's- you know what? No. Everything is not okay. I swear to God- Joey has done something naughty with Rachel. She's the type of 'steal your man' kind of girl!"

Ross arched a brow. "Rachel with Joey? Have you met either one of them, ____?"

You frowned. "I'm dating one of them, of course I have. I'm just worried, okay? They've been acting really close lately- closer than normal and maybe I'm just being paranoid but still!"

Ross patted your shoulder, beginning to tug you back inside before you caught a cold from the snow falling down gently on the New York pavement.

"Hey." Ross said as he entered Monica and Rachel's apartment with you, noting that Joey and Rachel were sitting together on the couch, Monica was preparing a dish in the kitchen while Chandler sat in a chair with a magazine in hand, and Phoebe was meditating on the floor.

"Hey, you got the champagne?" Monica asked him, taking the open bag from him and setting it on the kitchen counter as you plopped down in a seat in the kitchen with your coat on, staring down Joey and Rachel as they talked eagerly about a subject.

"You alright, ____?" Monica asked as she set a bowl of lettuce and tomatoes next to you.

You merely nodded, continuing to stare them down before deciding that two could play this game. You walked over to Chandler after setting your coat down, and sat on the arm of the chair.

"Hi." He said, looking up at you before making eye contact with the colored ink on the soft pieces of paper once more. You smiled sweetly, rubbing your hand up and down his shoulder as you glanced over towards Joey who was shifting a little bit more uncomfortably in his position.

"Hey, Chandler? You know what we should do sometime? Go to. Knicks game together. God, I just love them!" You said to him, watching as Joey perked up, standing up in the process.

"Uh, yeah, sure, that seems fine to me." He said back, going back to his reading as you laughed gently and ran your hand up and down his arm.

"You're so funny."

He perked up. "Why, thank you. Thank you very much." He said back with a little laugh of his own to top it off.

You giggled, yes- you giggled, before hearing Joey speak. "____, we should go on a walk. You think so too? Wow! Okay, let's go." He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you outside the door.

"She thinks I'm funny." Chandler said, laughing a little afterwards with a pinch of love sprinkled within.

Rachel looked over at him. "Sweetie, she's dating someone. She's only making Joey jealous because we've been hanging out a lot."

"So? She still thinks it." He said before going back to his reading.

"What the hell are you doing?" Joey asked you while you ran a hand up and down your arm. You tried not to smile a little. "I don't know what you're talking about." You replied.

"I know that two can play at this game but I'm no longer in it- why the hell would you try to flirt with Chandler?" He asked, a hint of anger sprinkled in his tone.

You grabbed his hands. "You know why, Joey!"

"No. No I don't so tell me! Tell me why!" He responded to you, crossing his arms over his chest as you had to let go of his hands.

"Are you doing anything sexual with Rachel?" You said, spilling out what had been kept up inside of you for so long. Joey stared down at you, a hint of a smile on his lips.

"That's what this is about?" He asked you. You nodded shyly, your cheeks suddenly becoming slightly pink as Joey grabbed your arms and pulled them around himself.

"Rachel is by far not my type. Sure, she's hot and all-"

You looked up at him with a deep frown on your lips and an angry sparkle in your eye that shone with a hint of jealousy.

"But you're my girlfriend and I would never do something like that to ever hurt you."

You nodded. "Okay. Can we go back inside now though because I'm pretty sure that it is going to be New Years soon and I kinda need everyone, especially Rachel, to see me kissing you so?"

He laughed. "Okay, lets go."

You opened the door to the apartment, walking back inside as people started counting down from ten.

You smiled.


Joey smiled back.


You grabbed his hands in yours, pulling him closer to you.


He moved his hands to be resting on your hips.


He couldn't contain his smile anymore as it grew.


You hummed a satisfactory sound to him.


You both looked around at everyone else who was getting ready to kiss someone.


Your eyes made eye contact with him once more.


He gave a little laugh, pulling you closer before moving a hand to the side of your face.


You blinked a few times, making sure to stand extra close to Joey so that people knew he was taken by you and you alone.


You and him both stared up at each other.

"Happy new year's!"

You pressed your lips against his, feeling his hand move to your hair and enlace it. You smiled, humming a little after letting go.

"We can still makeout some more right?" You asked him, grabbing his hands in yours.

"Oh, yeah. We got all day." He said before tugging you out of the room and towards his apartment.

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