Job Offer (Joey)

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"Guys!" You exclaimed, pushing open the door to Central Perk with great excitement as you rushed over to where your friends were all sitting. "I got the job!"

Monica and Rachel immediately pulled you into hugs as you laughed among them, Chandler giving you one before Ross and Phoebe, and Joey giving you the last one.

"I knew you would get it! You're an incredible actress! Why wouldn't you get it!" Joey exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug before pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your head.

"Well, Joey, I'm glad you think that because apparently we're going to be in the same movie together- and playing a couple." You told him shyly. You might've been dating for about two months now but every time you mentioned the word, your fingers grew tingly and you turned into a blushing mess.

"Really? That's awesome! Because-" He paused, looking around at everyone who seemed to be biting their nails (Monica), eating nervously, or drinking their coffee quietly. "Why isn't it a good thing?"

"I've read that people who play a couple together that are already a couple in real life, most likely break up." You told him, fiddling with the string on your jacket.

Joey frowned, grabbing your hand and pulling you off to the side where Gunther was sitting, quietly listening in on your conversation.

"Are you serious?" He asked you, a frown evident on his lips as you tried to stop the anxiety from growing in your stomach. "Uh, yeah." You told him shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Well, maybe I should quit the job. I can always find another role for me to play." He said, taking your hand in his. You shook your head, sympathy rushing over your body.

"No, honey, you got the job before me! It's only fair that I quit it because I don't want to ruin the chance you earned." You told him gently, staring down at your boots.

"Really? Are you sure? I'll help you figure out auditions every night then, because I love you." He said. You smiled up at him, Gunther interrupting the two of you.

"Hi, ____? I know someone who is looking for an actress like you for a role."

You turned around, giving him a warm smile. "Really? What agency? Movie? Producer? Director? What role too? Where is it? Who do I need to talk to about it?"

Gunther opened his mouth, pausing before speaking. "Never mind."

You frowned. "Oh, okay. Thanks, Gunther."

You turned back to face Joey. "Well, time for me to quit my job."

You and Chandler arrived to the set of the film, hoping to see some of Joey's performance. You saw the director yell action as you stood back with Chandler, watching as a beautiful woman came out on the set.

You tried to convince yourself that it was acting.

It surely was.

The kiss didn't seem like acting.


You snapped out of your daze, feeling Joey's arms wrapped around you. "You made it! How do you think me and Elaine did? I hope it looked good."

"Oh, yeah." You said, teeth slightly clenched. "It looked fantastic from my perspective."

Chandler motioned he was stepping off to the side to go talk to some other actors and actresses, leaving you and Joey alone to talk.

"Are you jealous?" He asked. "Because I can quit if you are. Are you?"

You looked up, seeing Elaine walking in your direction as your jealousy took ahold of you. Your hands pulled his lips to yours as you held onto him tightly, your body pressed completely up against his.

Elaine stepped up to where you two were as you let go of Joey. He took a brief, dizzy step back as you smiled in her direction.

"So I'm assuming this is the girl you won't shut up about, huh?" She asked Joey, giving him a good reading. He nodded. "That's her."

"She seems a little aggressive."

He laughed, pulling you to his side as a guy walked by, causing you to look over at the guy before looking at Joey. "She's just jealous." He said.

Now it was his turn.

"Well, isn't that sweet. We know our acting is done well if your real girlfriend is jealous."

He nodded, holding you to him tighter as the guy began walking over in both of your directions.

"Well, see you out there, Joey." Elaine said before walking away. The buff guy came over to where you and Joey were as he smiled and gave you a slight wink.

"Will your bodyguard join us on the date?" He asked as you laughed.

"Actually, he's my boyfriend so no. Don't have to worry about him joining." You said in a sarcastic tone.

The guy frowned. "Oh."

You watched him walk away before looking up at Joey who instantly captured you in a sweet kiss, his finger tilting your chin up to his. You hummed a little as he let go.

"Jealous Joey, huh. Maybe we need to get this all out tonight and make sure we know who's whose." You told him, pressing your lips to his again.

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