Chapter 8

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Finally Saturday arrived. Alby was the first one to arrive at the park. The park was nearly empty as it was still very early. There were few joggers and some old couples going for a morning walk.

Alby didn't have to wait long. Ryan came and after few moments Airin and Jessica walked towards them. They sat down near a tree almost hidden from view. Ryan took out his videocam and showed how it worked.

"Let's not waste more time. Before more people is up and out on the streets, let's finish our task and come back." said Alby.

The girls agreed to wait in the park. Jessy reminded the boys to meet the little girl, Isabelle, before coming back. They had promised to meet her on Saturday and she might wait for them.

The boys left on their bikes while the girls decided to finally do their research project while waiting for the boys.

The place was still deserted and the boys didn't see anyone. Unlike last time, this time they were happy not to have met someone. They hid their bikes behind a bush and walked towards the house.

As they approached the main door, Ryan stopped Alby and said, "We can't go inside together. We will be locked inside. Moreover, the thugs may arrive when we are inside and then we will be done for."

They stood there thinking for a moment. Alby spoke, "Okay, I will stay outside. You know how to work the camera better. But be careful. You should make sure that it is well hidden. If I hear anyone approaching, I will come around and knock thrice on the kitchen window. You have to quickly leave the place and hide somewhere upstairs. Don't forget to close the secret door. I will call your name when everything is clear. "

Ryan nodded and said," Yes we need to have a plan B in case something goes wrong or something unexpected comes up. Make sure you too hide properly. And when I am done, I will knock the window twice and that's the cue for you to open the main door for me."

With that Ryan went inside and Alby hid behind a bush near a tree. Alby felt like he was waiting forever. As time passed, he felt scared. What if the men came now and they get caught. His trail of thoughts were broken when he heard his cue to open the door. He walked on to the rug in front of the door. The door opened for them and Ryan came out. They quickly went behind a tree.

Ryan showed him photos of jewelry and some paintings he found inside. Alby realised that Ryan was taking pictures and that's what him took so long.

"Let's go back." said Alby but Ryan reminded him, "What about Bella?"

They went to the backyard of the house and the movement of the swing caught their sight. Bella was swinging just like last time. It seemed that she had been waiting for them.

"Where are others?" asked Bella.

The boys explained their plan and why the girls hadn't come. They said goodbye to her soon and promised to meet her when they would come in the evening.

The girls were waiting for the boys in the park. As they still had a lot of time left, they decided to go back home and meet again at the same spot in the evening.

The day passed by very slowly for them. It seemed like the clocks were getting slow. The girls were the first to reach the park in the evening. The boys arrived 15 minutes later.

Airin said, "We'll talk when you get back. So go before it gets dark."

The boys left but as they approached they found the familiar van in front of the house. They stopped immediately and hid their bikes. They stumbled towards the nearest hiding place. They didn't have to wait long before they heard the rumbling noise. The noise were getting farther away from them. They waited for a few minutes longer after they couldn't hear the noise anymore. Then they sprinted towards the house. Just like last time, Alby waited outside and Ryan went inside to retrieve his videocam.

Ryan came back soon and they left the place in a hurry. They were short of breath when they reached back at the park.

The boys narrated what happened to the girls. "We had a narrow escape. Many of the boxes are gone but there are some new boxes too." said Ryan. They played the video and the faces of the thugs were very clear on it. Their voices were also recorded. Ryan removed the tape and handed over to Alby.

"I will also forward the photos I took in the morning. Pass them over to that friend of your father. It not safe for us. They are really dangerous people." said Ryan.

They all want home feeling accomplished as they were able to uncover the truth behind the haunted house.

Halfway home, Alby decided to go and meet Inspector Davis, his father's friend, straight away. He took a turn and went to the police station. As he reached, he found inspector Davis about to leave the police station. But as soon as he saw Alby, his eyes narrowed. He approached Alby and asked, "What are you doing here? Are you in some kind of trouble?"

Alby realised that there were few police standing behind him and the inspector thought that he had been caught for something. Alby smiled and whispered, "I came to see you. I have something really really important to tell you."

Inspector Davis took him inside into his cabin. He asked Alby to sit down and he sat down. He was ready to listen to what Alby had to say. This is what he liked about Davis. Unlike his father, Davis took him seriously. Davis didn't even think that what he might have to say would be silly. Davis didn't show any disinterest even after Alby mentioned the haunted house. He just sat and listened to Alby without interrupting him at all.

When Alby had finished, he handed over the video tape and the packet of white powder. He also showed the photos on his phone which the inspector forwarded to his phone.

Inspector Davis told Alby not to go home alone and he would drop him home as it was already dark outside. He also told him not to say a word about this to anyone until the criminals were caught.

*Done another update. That was too quick 😊.

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