Chapter 15

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Ryan woke up and sat on his bed. It took few moments for him to realize that he had fallen asleep after coming back from Alby's place. He stood up and the reflection in the mirror reminded him that he hadn't even changed his clothes. His shoes had been removed, probably by his mom who came to check on him when he didn't show up for dinner. He looked at the clock and realised that it was still too early.

He knew that he couldn't sleep anymore, so he decided to make breakfast. He went down to the kitchen and made up his mind to make scrambled eggs with toast for everyone.

He was laying the dining table for breakfast when his mom entered.

"Good morning Rye. I see that you are up early today. Mmmm.... it smells so good." she commented as she sniffed the aroma.
"I will make coffee", she said when she saw that it was the only thing left to be done for breakfast.

Ryan sat down at the breakfast table and took the newspaper that was on it. He was opening it when he heard his dad.

"I can't seem to find it." his dad was mumbling as he entered the kitchen.

"Ah, there it is." His dad came and sat next to him. It was only then he realised that his dad was talking about the newspaper in his hands. He immediately gave it to his dad.

"Coffee is ready!" saying that his mom also joined them with the coffee tray.

It was after a long time, Ryan was having breakfast with his parents. He remembered the times when they had breakfast together. He used to tease his sister a lot. It was fun to have little fights with her. He missed her too much. She had insisted to move out of the country for her higher studies. Since her departure, everything has been dull.

As soon as his mom sat down, she took the newspaper from her husband's hands and reminded him, "Not now". She folded the newspaper and kept it aside on the table.

They chatted while having breakfast. The conversation seemed to have lifted his spirits. He once again felt connected with his family. He left the kitchen in a very good mood.

After getting ready for school, he came downstairs and called out, "Mom, have you seen my bag?". He couldn't remember where he left it last time.

"I saw it on the table beside the stairs" his mom called out from kitchen. When he took his bag, something fell on to his foot. He took it and was turning to keep it back when his dad came by.

"Since when did you start reading newspapers?" asked his dad.

He looked at what he was holding and replied, "It was on this table and it fell down when I took my bag."

His dad looked surprised. "I had kept it on the table in the living room when I went to kitchen to get my glasses."

"You must have left it here while going to the kitchen" pointed out Ryan and handed it to his dad before leaving.

Ryan was singing to himself as he walked out and took his bicycle to school. Little did he know that he was being followed...


As soon as he entered the school, his friends approached him. He sensed that something is wrong from their tensed faces. He could also see other students standing in pairs or groups and whispering something.

"What's wrong?", he enquired

"The three men have escaped" replied Airin.

"It's all over the news... Everyone says that now they will come for us", Jessy piped in her voice filled with worry.

"Oh come on, those are just rumours. I am sure Kate is behind it. She was really jealous when both of you suddenly came to limelight", spoke Alby without any anxiety in his voice.

Ryan stayed silent connecting the dots in his mind. The TV channel switching back to the news - his dad talking about some men breaking the prison - how the newspaper seemed to find its way to him.

It just seemed like someone wanted to inform me of the escape. His eyes went wide when realization dawned on him. He instinctively turned and looked around.

"What's the problem?", asked Alby in a confused voice after looking around imitating Ryan.

Ryan could see mixed emotions of concern and panic rising in Airin's eyes. "Oh, it's nothing. I thought I heard something", replied Ryan trying to sound calm. He didn't want to add to the anxiety and fear.

As if on cue, the bell rang and everyone moved to their classes. As soon as Jessy and Airin were out of sight, Ryan pulled Alby aside to the corner of the hallway outside their classroom. He narrated the incidents that took place from the evening of the day before till the time he left his house. Alby's jaw dropped open and he couldn't find any words for a few seconds.

"Do you think it's Bella?" enquired Alby.

"I don't know. But I can't think of any one else." stated Ryan.

The late bell rang at the moment and they hurried to their classes.


The foursome was sitting at their usual place in the canteen. At a glance the canteen seemed to be deserted because most of the students were waiting in a long queue at the counter. Very few of them were seated scattered around in the dining area.

" What do we do now?". Jessy couldn't contain her worry.

"I think we need to somehow retrieve the hard disk from its hiding place as soon as possible." suggested Alby.

"But where is it hidden? We don't have a single clue." declared Airin

" That's where you are wrong. We know that it's somewhere in the graveyard. We just need to go there and search for it." responded Ryan.

"You are right Rye. I think we better go today itself." proposed Alby.

Jessy and Airin looked at each other.

Ryan immediately spoke up, "You girls don't have to come. I can go with Alby after school to find the hard disk."

"That's better. We shouldn't risk going together. Let's go straight after school.", agreed Alby

"But...", Airin was about to argue when Jessy place her hand on Airin's shoulder and stopped her.

"Let's go and get our food" with that Jessy walked towards the counter.

Ryan noticed that the tables near them were getting occupied. He imitated Jessy and the others followed soon when they realized why Jessy changed the subject all of a sudden.

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