Chapter 16

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After the class, Alby waited for the others. He was deep in thought about what Ryan had told him earlier. 

Was someone really trying to inform Ryan? Was it Bella? Why didn't she come to Ryan and tell him directly?  Wait.. we just saw her only on our first day. We never saw her again. What does that mean?... 

"Are you day dreaming?" teased Ryan smacking Alby on his head. Ryan and the girls were already standing next to him.

He smiled at them. He was so deep lost in thoughts that he didn't see them approaching.

"Let's go. We need to retrieve the hard drive today itself" exclaimed Ryan.

As planned, the boys were prepared to go to the graveyard. Ryan and Alby walked towards the parking followed by the girls. Suddenly Ryan heard a loud thud and turned back. Alby was on the floor with the girls  helping him up. He gave an inquiring look. Airin just shrugged her shoulders. 

Alby was looking around on the floor with a puzzled face. "I tripped on something", Alby blurted out. 

"There's nothing. Let's not waste time", Ryan resumed walking eager to go and find the hard drive.

Alby also joined but he turned back a few times. He was sure that he tripped on something but there was really nothing on the floor anywhere near any of them.

How could that happen? Did it just vanish into thin air? That's impossible

The bike parking was not far. Ryan reached out and unlocked his bike. 

"Oh no! My bike tires are flat", cried Ryan as he was pulling his bike out of the parking. "What do we do now?" He turned to others.

"I guess the plan would have to be postponed", declared Airin.

"No.. No... I will go with Alby on his bike" protested Ryan.

Just then Alby chimed in, "Mines are flat too. It seems like someone is playing around."

"I think it's better to go on another day. The signs don't seem to be good." Jessy began but was interrupted by Ryan. "Oh come on! Don't begin with your superstitions again."

"I think Jessy is right. Things have not been going very well since morning.... since we heard the news to be exact", recalled Airin.

Ryan turned to Alby. "Don't tell me that you also believe in this stupid thing."

"You know me for long enough to know that I don't believe in any of the superstitions. But how can we go today? I think we will have to go tomorrow or some other day."

"We can borrow a bike or we could catch the bus and walk the rest of the way. This is not such a big deal" replied Ryan

"The first thing we need to do now, is to get the tires fixed. Let us do that now and keep the detective work for later", Alby declared. 

 "Okay fine. I am going today, even if you are coming along or not." Ryan walked away with determination.  

Alby stood there watching Ryan cross the school gates. He didn't understand why Ryan is insisting on going today itself .

Why couldn't they go tomorrow when they have their bikes? He knew that there was no point in arguing with Ryan when he comes to a decision. So he turned to the girls.

"I don't think that we can convince him not to go today. But I am sure that after a few minutes he will come back. He has never gone to any place alone since we became friends. Let's walk to the bus stop. He might join us there"

The three of them began walking. None of them were talking. Each of them were immersed in their own thoughts. A black car sped past the gates, as they were approaching it.

"Crazy boys for sure..." began Jessy but stopped when they heard tires screeching down the lane and kids rushing down the road.

"Another accident!" sighed Airin. "I knew it would happen. What else can happen with rash driving!"  she added.

As they walked on, Steve, Ryan's classmate, came running towards them. "Ryan is severely hurt. The car drove away without stopping"

"What?" Alby's eyes went wide with shock. He could not believe his ears.

"Ryan!" shouted Airin.

All of them broke into a sprint. Ahead of them was a swarm of students. As they pushed through, they saw Ryan lying in a small pool of blood. There was a bicycle nearby him and it looked like the car had run on it.

Alby moved towards Ryan but Jessy stopped him. "No. It's better not to touch him. We need to call the ambulance."

There were loud cries and they both turned to find that Airin had passed out. "I'll take care of her. You can make the calls." Jessy moved to Airin while Alby called 911. He called Ryan's parents too.

Someone had informed the school authorities and the principal arrived. There was a lot of commotion around as more and more students were pouring out but Alby could not focus.

Why did I let him walk away? I could have stopped him. But I didn't. I should have convinced him somehow.

He glanced over to Jessy. Airin had come around but she was crying. Jessy was trying to comfort her. She glanced towards him.

Just then the ambulance arrived. The medics came out with a stretcher and took Ryan. He wanted to go with then but they didn't allow him.

Slowly everyone began dispersing. A hand touched his shoulders and he looked up to see Jessy's concerned face.

"Don't you want to go to the hospital? Airin's parents have agreed to take us to the hospital with them."

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