Chapter 14

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When Ryan and Alby entered, Maria was arranging the dining table for lunch. That was when they realised it was already lunchtime.

"You have arrived just on time. Go up and call them down." saying that she retreated to kitchen.

Upstairs, the girls were still on the computers. When the boys entered, the girls were eager to know. But Ryan stopped them, "I am so hungry. Let's have lunch first. Maria has everything ready on the dining table for us."

They all went down and had lunch. They chatted casually about studies so as not to give Maria any clue. Afterwards they went up to discuss the day's events. The boys repeated all the information they got from inspector Davis.

Now it was the girls' turn. They had printed out many articles and newspaper clippings. They said they had done this to be on the safer side and they had deleted all the browsing history.

They showed them the articles and Airin began. "It seems that this was a sensational case. We found more or less same news about the death of inspector James and his wife. There has been less focus on the death of their daughter. Police found her dead near her swing."

She showed them a newspaper clipping which showed the picture of Bella when she was found dead on the swing. "Her death was concluded to be suicide as they found the chain of the swing around her neck." continued Airin.

"But doesn't that sound a bit weird?" asked Alby.

"Yes, it does. See this one." saying that Jessy showed a newspaper clipping.

Inspector James's daughter suicides after hearing the news of her parents' death

Alby took the newspaper clipping from her and went through it. It just mentioned that the girl was filled with sorrow on the demise of both her parents and it led her to commit suicide on the swing by trying to hang from it. The news emphasized on the details of the accident that killed inspector James.

He looked up and said, "This leaves us to a dead end."

Jessy smiled and said, "But we found out that one of the online article had reports with much more details that questioned all the other news. They have a valid point. If she had committed suicide, the chains should be still around her neck. But this looks like someone had killed her using the chains and then dumped her body on the swing. Look at the photo." saying that she handed the printed article.

Airin joined them,"I don't understand why they tried to hush up the murder and claim that it was a suicide

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Airin joined them,"I don't understand why they tried to hush up the murder and claim that it was a suicide."

Ryan who was peeking at the article replied,"I think it was because the police didn't want people to think that there is someone out there killing police officers and their innocent family. Inspector James's murder also was portrayed as an accident."

"It seems that the police department was trying to prevent panic." agreed Jessy.

"Now, we have to find whatever Bella has hidden in the graveyard from her assassins. As far as we are aware, it is a hard drive that contains all the evidences against those criminals." said Alby.

"Let's go there during the weekend and search the place." said Airin excitedly.

Just then there was a knock on the door. It was Maria with tea and cinnamon rolls. They had tea and decided not to talk further about their plan. If Maria smelled something fishy, it would become really hard for Alby. They decided to meet at the park to plan further and then went home.

When Ryan reached home, his dad was watching TV. He joined his dad on the sofa.

"Hey Ryan, you are back! How was the stay?" asked his dad.

"It was great dad. We were able to do most of our project. Something finishing touches to go and then we would be done with it. " replied Ryan.

"You must be really tired. I will go and bring something to drink." saying that Mr. Russell got up

"No dad. I had tea already. Maria had baked some cinnamon rolls too." said Ryan.

"Then I will bring you cold water and something to nibble on while watching TV." saying that he went inside.

His dad was watching sports news. Ryan took the remote and changed the channel to his favourite music channel. But before he could hear the music, the channel changed to news. He changed it again but the second time too, it changed back to news. So he tried changing it to a movie. The same thing happened this time too. After a second, it changed back to the news channel. He kept on trying a couple of times but each time it would go back to the news channel. He left the remote on the sofa and got up. As he was leaving his dad came back with water and a packet of chips.

"Aren't you watching TV?" asked his dad.

"I'm going to lie down a while" replied Ryan and walked away taking the water from his dad.

"Again some criminals have broken out of prison. I don't understand......" Ryan didn't hear the rest of whatever his dad was trying to say. He had already entered his room and closed it. He fell down on his bed and was fast asleep within minutes.

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