Vol 1 Chap 17 - Reader Le XiaoTing truly pitied the Third Prince

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XH 17 - Reader Le XiaoTing truly pitied the Third Prince

It was not even night time yet there was a young girl hiding in the bed. Xiao Hua was currently feeling miserable with her optimistic side collapsed, unable to control her mind from imagining terrible scenarios.

An Jing had not forced her to accept the Third prince's choices and fight for him, but what she said was just for Xiao Hua to broaden her view and tried to encourage her to support the Third Prince. For An Jing to do this way to get Xiao Hua to stand on the Third prince's side could be meant that she genuinely wanted Xiao Hua to help the Third prince without resorting to blackmail or force but pure free will.

But could servants have free will to choose their own master?

Actually, reader Le XiaoTing truly pitied the Third Prince. The Third prince possessed good looks that bewitched both males and females alike, and have a delicate and gentle character. It was a miracle that he had survived until now. The Empress had done well to protect her son and still capable of letting him remain untainted by cruelty, for usually, those with royal bloodline were swimming deep in it.

The author had described his beauty, praising him to be the most beautiful in the Guilin Kingdom, but being bias by praising the hero and heroine to heaven. However, Xiao Hua was truly been starstruck by the Third Prince's looks. If he looked this awesome, could the hero and heroine look even more breathtaking?!

Speaking of the Third prince's face, Xiao Hua still could not get used to it. Le XiaoTing's boss looked more or less eighty percent similar to the Third prince!

Remembering her boss make Le XiaoTing remembered how she transmigrated here! Her anger towards her boss tripled as it was partly his fault that she died and ended up possessing Xiao Hua's body! She supposed that she was pretty lucky that she did not encounter Xiao Hua's spirit or else they would be fighting over this body.

That would be terrifying for her soul would be chewed until there would not be enough for her to reincarnate!

Le XiaoTing's guilty pleasure was reading Chinese romance novels during her free time... and work hours. Despite not able to read Chinese characters, she could still use Google translate to read! There were also plenty of translators that translated them into English for readers such as her to enjoy!

On the day of the incident, it was actually the same day that the author had posted the epilogue of this novel and the comment page was filled with dozens of comments. Le XiaoTing was not a busybody, but she felt that the ending was unsatisfying and more than lacking in substance so she decided to read through the comments to see if other readers had caught some interpretation behind the character's actions in the novel that she had missed out.

Naturally, it was during work hours so she used her office laptop to indulge her guilty pleasure while acting as if she was enthusiastically doing her job. She was so absorbed in reading the increasing interesting comments that she had not noticed her boss was calling for her. It was when he suddenly rapped her desk sharply did she jerked back to reality.

Her first, unconscious reaction was to click on the close button of the window page, not wanting to be caught doing something unrelated to work. However, at the same time, her other hand tried to push down her laptop screen in reflex, a habit she had assumed she had broken years ago. She had that habit during her younger days when she wanted to hide her screen from her busybody friends.

Unfortunately, Le XiaoTing had forgotten the existence of a cup filled with hot chocolate that was placed right beside her laptop, an important instrument that aids to her downfall. Thanks to her clumsy hand, she had unbalanced the cup and the content splashed all over her laptop and cables.

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