Vol 1 Chap 45

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XH 45

Before the sun rises, Xiao Hua was already awake thanks to the familiar sensation of muscle pain. Moving in a speed of a turtle, she did some light stretching while sprawled on the bed in order to loosen up her muscles.

An Jing had arrived in the middle of Xiao Hua's lazy exercise but she stood at the corner with no intention to disturb her, waiting patiently for her to finish. With An Jing's arrival, Xiao Hua does not dare to take her own sweet time and quickly loosen up most of her sore muscle before wrapping it up.

"Elder Sister Hua, have a bath before joining Princess Long Lian for breakfast," An Jing suggested when Xiao Hua sat down on a chair.

"That's pretty early for Princess to come." Usually, Long Lian only visited the Third Prince's residence after breakfast so that she can join them for lunch.

"Princess Long Lian is worried about your injury so she announces she will arrive earlier."

Xiao Hua's heart warmed at Long Lian's worry towards her. "Princess is kind. I will quickly bath before the princess arrives."

Si Si had not been in a good mood in the first place, thanks to what had happened yesterday. She was standing, waiting for Xiao Hua to finish bathing when Elder Sister An Jing appeared and told her to return to her other duties.

It was only this morning that she found out the Third Prince had visited Xiao Hua last night! She had missed that chance when she injured herself from the teapot's broken shards and she could only stomach her regrets. To replace last night's missed opportunities, Si Si eagerly attended to Xiao Hua's need while waiting for the Third Prince to arrive.

But Elder Sister An Jing suddenly asked her to leave! Was that not the same meaning as not giving Si Si the chance to meet the Third Prince?

Due to her bitter feelings, her working performance was not up to standard and the speed was not something to be accepted. Si Si had not finished tying Xiao Hua's hair when Long Lian arrived. She had her new maid, Tang Mei, to call Xiao Hua to hurry up and meet her at Summer Courtyard, where Third Prince usually entertained his guests there.

The Third Prince does not have many guests, so Long Lian had already treated the Summer courtyard as hers from the large number of visits.

When Xiao Hua finally appeared, Long Lian was already eating her breakfast. She quickly jumped out of her seat and jogged towards Xiao Hua with a concerned look.

"Xiao Hua, are you alright? The third brother says you injured your hand!"

"I'm fine. Tian Zi had applied for medicine and rub the swelling down." She lifted her right arm to show Long Lian that it was not a serious injury. In another day or two, it should be completely healed.

Long Lian turned Xiao Hua's right hand around to examine her injury. It was only after she was satisfied did she have them eat breakfast.

"Thank you for coming but I feel bad for you to be here so early because of my carelessness."

Long Lian huffed and raised an open palm towards her maid. "The third brother sent a word before I'm even awake." Tang Mei handed Long Lian a letter, and the latter handed it to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua unfolds the letter and suddenly wants to hit something. "What is this?"

"Third brother's letter. Read it! He totally exaggerates the truth!"

"Dear princess, this commoner does not know how to read and have to disappoint you."

Long Lian frowned and takes back the letter. "You are mocking me."

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