Vol 4 Chap 103

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XH 103 

One of the good traits Le XiaoTing possesses was waking up with a working mind, as long as she's not exhausted the day before. But that was not the same for her boss.

There was this one time when she dropped by her boss' house before work to pick up an important document. Her boss could easily bring the document himself but because her boss refused to arrive at work before ten o'clock in the morning, she had to pick it up as the document was needed before ten o'clock.

To her surprise, she saw her boss' handsome financial advisor, opening the door shirtless with wet hair that's obviously indicated he just showered. The financial advisor helpfully located the urgent document instead of waking up the sleeping tiger that hated mornings.

The sight of a shirtless man should have distracted her, but Le XiaoTing at that time was busy searching for more clues between them to fuel her Danmei mind. That day just so happened to fall on the period where her Danmei fanatic was at its peak.

The handsome financial advisor – "The financial advisor!"

Xiao Hua's eyes immediately sprang open when she finally figured out the nagging familiarity when she saw the 2nd prince's face. But the beautiful sight in front of her had abruptly stepped onto the brake to her thoughts. 

(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)Oh my~

The 3rd prince was sleeping soundly despite her sudden exclamation. His eyelashes were beautifully curled and tempted her to touch it. His sleeping face that was peaceful and relaxing made Xiao Hua loath to wake him up.

The curtains around the bed were down, but she could see the sun had risen from the way the curtain was brighter than before.

He had wrapped his arms around her waist loosely as if he was unsure whether to hug her or not. Xiao Hua smiled with affection in her eyes and carefully shifted herself closer to him, as her nose caught the smell of trees coming from his body. With a satisfied smile when she finally accomplishes her goal, she closed her eyes and returning back to her previous thoughts.

It was no wonder she has difficulty in placing the hero's face! Her boss' handsome financial advisor was a mixed-blood heritage, half Chinese and half British! But the hero, Long Shan, was a completely Chinese looking guy!

One has dark blonde hair and the other has pure black hair. There were hardly similarities of their personality either. But Le XiaoTing thinks that the financial advisor was the better-looking guy.

Xiao Hua jerked in surprise when she heard the door slammed open and a masculine voice fiercely called out, "Long Zhu! Get your lazy ass up!"

Before Xiao Hua could do anything, the curtain that was hiding the bed from view was pushed apart by a huge man with a body shape that immediately made her think of a tiger. It was clearly seen from the huge man's expression that he did not expect to see Xiao Hua on the bed with the person he was screaming for.

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