Vol 3 Chap 86 - Scientific Curiosity

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Let's see... there's a sensitive topic in this chapter. So it's a WARNING chapter!

There's also news about my patreon page after the chapter!

XH 86 - Scientific curiosity

"Turns out the King of Munzhu had rejected the second daughter of Minister Bin! He even says she's too ugly to be his maid!" The Eighth Prince laughed as he retold what had happened during the celebration to Xiao Hua.

The Third Prince and Eighth Prince had surprisingly returned early. The Third Prince checked how she was doing before leaving to do something important, leaving the Eighth Prince to keep the 'sick' Xiao Hua's company, who was forced to remain on the bed.

To make conversation easier, the Eighth Prince had dragged a stool next to the bed for him to sit down. Eunuch Heng was forced to wait outside with Da Bei, who was right outside of her room, acting as a bodyguard.

"Don't be mean," Xiao Hua chastised lightly.

"What? Do you pity her? Did you forget it's the eldest daughter that tried to harm Long Lian?"

"You repeated that so many times that even if I don't want to remember, I would," Xiao Hua said dryly. "But the younger sister is rather pitiful."

"This is called karma! The evil father and the evil elder sister is the one that harmed her!"

"I know, your novel did include Bin Tang, the heroine's sidekick, with a crazy younger sister."

The Eighth Prince tsk-ed in annoyance. "Right now, we are in the Third Prince and Long Lian's side so we must not pity them!"

"Luckily your novel is full of plot holes or else Long Lian won't be able to counterattack," Xiao Hua remarked and even gave him a grateful smile.

"Shut it! Who's the one that says this world is not my novel?"

"Me," Xiao Hua admitted without a shred of embarrassment. "But it's a good reference."

"Hmph! That's because my novel is awesome."

Xiao Hua rolled her eyes and changed the subject. "Where is Long Lian?"

"She says she will come later. Why are you being moody?" The Eighth Prince suddenly asked, catching Xiao Hua off guard.


"You are still okay earlier but halfway through my story, you suddenly look gloomy."

"I...I did?" Xiao Hua touched her face nervously. She thought she had managed to hide her feelings, but who would have expected the terrible poker face Heise could see through her mask?


As if this young lady would admit I'm depressed at the thought of the Third Prince getting married in future! (°ㅂ°╬)

"You should spill instead. What's with those dark circles under your eyes?"

The Eighth Prince's face suddenly crumbled like quicksand, his whole posture wilted like a flower deprived of sunlight. The dark circles around his eyes looked even more prominent on the rapidly paling face.

"What...what's wrong with you?!"

"The Empress caught us." The Eighth Prince covered his face in despair and she barely caught what he said.

"Caught what?" Xiao Hua asked in panic. Did the Empress find out they were transmigrators? "How did you get caught? Aren't you supposed to be careful!"

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