Vol 3 Chap 73 - Led like a cow

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XH 73 - Led like a cow

Xiao Hua felt very annoyed and had no idea how to vent it out! She was led like a cow to where the attacker wanted her to be!

The sound of light footsteps disturbed her self-anger moment. A tall, skinny boy wearing worn-out clothes stopped in his tracks upon noticing her, staring at her cautiously as if Xiao Hua would scold him. From his attire, she recognized that he was one of the Third Prince's lower-ranked servants, but this was the first time she saw someone wearing such a threadbare uniform.

From all those months she had stayed with the Third Prince, she never saw him treat his servants badly and made sure they have good quality products to make their life comfortable.

Was this boy being bullied?

Xiao Hua decided to say something when the boy does not look like he will talk anytime soon. "Are you the one that called me over to this place?"

Could it be he wanted to use her to complain about being bullied right to the big boss?

The boy's eyes widened like a goldfish's and shake his head fiercely. "I do not know you would be here!"

"Then why are you here? This courtyard is forbidden for anyone to enter."

"I was asked to collect the fireworks from the storage."

Xiao Hua found it hard to believe this boy as it was too much of a coincidence that he was heading to the storage as well. With a friendly smile, she said, "What a coincidence! I'm heading for the storage room too, so let's go together!"

"...Alright." His face showed his reluctance but did not reject her because of their position difference. Everyone in the Third Prince's residence recognized their master's personal maid since An Jing had introduced her to everyone during her first day.

Xiao Hua felt that if he was the one that threatened her, she will wait until he starts talking. If he was not the one, it does not matter since he can be her guide to lead her to the storage and a companion for this adventure!

The thought of getting his consent without further explanation did not cross her mind at all. His 'alright' was equivalent to 'yes' in her mind.

Xiao Hua felt as if she had met the boy before, but it was more towards having a vague feeling of remembering someone she had seen once in the past.

"What's your name? My name is Xiao Hua."

"I know your name... I'm Er Yen."

"Nice to meet you!"

Normally, Xiao Hua would not bother to ask his name because Chinese names were hard to remember but since she will be around him for quite a while, calling him by his name would be better than calling him, 'Hey you.'

The only thing worse than that was calling him by the wrong name, but she can always blame it on his ears catching the wrong thing or apologize for her mistake.

Er Yen glanced at Xiao Hua at the corner of his eyes, expecting her to recognize him, but there was no hint of recognition on her face upon hearing his name. He slowly relaxed when she still has no inkling of who he was.

"Why are you walking around with your hair like that?" Er Yen awkwardly stared at her loose hair with half of it already dried from her unplanned walk. Her hair was messy from the clumsy dodging earlier but she looks sort of cute that way.

Xiao Hua touched her loose hair and remembered that she had not tied them up. She had not thought about her hair earlier due to the demanding arrows, but it was also due to Le XiaoTing that was pretty much used to not tying her hair up in public during non-working hours.

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