Rules for Judges

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Judges do have some rules to follow as well. Don't worry, they seem scarier than they actually are. :))

1. Follow these accounts during the competition: World_Of_Champions Hunter_Yonk . I might post on both of them for the awards.

2. Add this book to your library and reading list to keep up with the updates!

3. To be accepted as a judge, you must complete a form given in the next chapters in one comment. If you forget something to write, reply to your own comment, Otherwise, the form will not be taken into consideration.

4. Your private messages must work, in order to collaborate, and you must respond to any message (request) within a week. If not, you'll be removed and considered inactive, and won't receive the prize.

5. Do not accept any bribe from the participants. You will be removed from the contest. Do not harass or be rude in any way. Do not mock other judges or participants. You will be removed from the contest.

6. You can judge in as many genres as you want. You must be unbiased and fair.

7. You must complete the judging before the deadline. You'll be reminded every week, do not worry!

8. You must give a review after judging a book.

9. Judges can enter as participants as long as they judge in a different category than the one they entered the book in.

10. You must be able to read LGBTQ+. Some books contain such theme.

11. If you mention that you can read mature, this includes Curses, violence, certain themes/ topics and sexual content. Erotica is not allowed in the contest. If you spot Erotica scenes in the first 5 chapters of a book, announce one of the hosts immediately!

12. Write the password at the end of the form so that I know you have read the rules and agreed with them. The password is your favourite planet.

Have fun!

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