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The water was beating against the side of the boat, crashing waves surrounded the entire area as they attacked.

A powerful force of nature.

When I was little, Papa would tell me wonderful stories of nature. He would always tell me, "Nature is a beautiful thing, Amoret. This land we live on is owned by nature, created by it and looked after by it. You must always respect nature and be grateful for the gifts it has given us."

However, I could never truly appreciate it, I was only used to man made objects like the house we lived in but I would always love anything Papa and Mama gave me from the outside world like food or plants, flowers to be specific.

Sighing contently, the floor seemed to sway beneath my feet and I watched as it did so, leaning over the side as my hands gripped the edges, holding on for dear life. The water pulled me whichever way it felt needed, controlling everyone and everything that was standing on the boat. The land kept getting further and further away as the boat moved into the sea, far from the docks, heading towards its destination.

"How you doing, Amoret?" Flynn's cheery voice spoke up from behind me, taking a glance at him past my shoulder to see him standing closer to me than expected, he was carrying a long bag that was full of fancy clothes, the things he needed to deliver.

"I'm okay," I answered with a gentle voice as the water still had me captivated, "are you?"

He waved the question away, smiling at me as he came to lean over the ledge as well. "I've been on this boat too many times. Do you like this way better? Last time you were in the carriage the entire ride, so was I but I've experienced this before. Now look at you, practically throwing yourself out into sea."

"It moves nice, like it all works together, going the same way and as the boat tries to get through it, it all fights as one," I hesitated, looking down at my hands that were covered in short black gloves, good for the windy weather, "does that make sense?"

"It makes perfect sense," Flynn agreed, curing my nervousness with one sweet smile appearing on his lips. "I get what you're trying to say, it's a good way to look at things."

The both of us watched as the waves continued a fight that they couldn't win, or at least I hoped they couldn't. As much as I loved nature, the free feeling it gave off, I knew that it could be dangerous. The way the waves would move back and forth, as if they were guarding something, like a war between the boat and the ocean.

Before I knew it, the ride ended and Flynn was pulling me along.

Flynn held my hand as he pulled me through the crowds, he was carrying most of our luggage with remarkable strength, and he rushed to get off the boat.

My late response to this trip made him lose time, I wasn't going to go but then I changed my mind last minute. The first boat to head out into the ocean, travelling to America, left long before the second one which was the one we were on. Flynn was dragging himself up the bridge to the boat when I arrived, yelling out his name, and he nearly jumped straight into the cold, blue water when he heard me.

Thankfully, he was able to trade in his tickets.

"Where do we go now?" I asked, following his path that he continued to lead me on, even though he was more so towing me along. "To your place? Do you live with your parents? Oh, Flynn, they know I'm going to be staying with you, right?"

I squeezed the fabric at the bottom of my dress as I waited for his answer. "No," he paused, closing his eyes just for a second but not bothering to stop walking, "they're not alive, Amoret. We'll be staying in a pack, with the Luna who invited you to the party."

"Not in a million years will I let her stay with those bloody beasts!" Mama's words were stamped into my mind, the memory of the meaning to those words will always be there. She was so mad that day, so upset with Papa, I don't know what they were arguing about but I knew it involved me and the werewolves.

Poor Papa didn't stand a chance, Mama always won.

"Do-" I paused and pulled on his scratchy sleeve in an attempt to get him to stop, to listen to me, "-Do we have to stay with the werewolves?"

"Why does it matter?" Flynn's voice was a whisper and for a second there he looked fragile, pain evident in his eyes as they drooped down. "Do you hate them that much?"

"No!" I denied, quicker than I intended to, "I just don't know how my mama would feel about me sleeping in the same place as werewolves."

"It's fine," Flynn didn't look at me as he said his next words, "your mother won't find out."

"It's not just that," I admitted, and we continued walking much to my dismay, "it's that my mama never liked them and I feel that I would be doing her wrong if I got close to any werewolf."

"What, like making friends with them?" Flynn questioned with a frown, his eyebrow pointing up as he looked at me.

"Yes, I don't like it but I don't want her upset with me when I return to her." I couldn't help but copy Flynn's frown, an ache filled my chest as I remembered the last words Papa told me, "If I return to her."

Flynn shook his head, "No parent should be mad at their child for something so normal. If you ask me, your mother sounds controlling."

Is she controlling?

"She just likes everything to go her way," I defended, "that's who she is, no point in changing her when she doesn't need anything fixed."

Or does she?

Flynn scoffed and started ignoring me, the only thing that reminded me he was still there were his loud and harsh steps against the dirt that he was slamming down on in front of me. Keeping my eyes glued to the ground, the back of his heels led the way.

My hands curled as I placed them on my chest, my breathing coming out shaky.

Please don't hear me cry.

W O R D  C O U N T : 1188

I know that I said Thursdays, I'm quite disappointed as well but I couldn't do it. I just finished editing this and it's only Sunday and I want it posted now.

So, I've decided that each week I will have at least one new chapter posted by Thursday.

Also, I got one of those dessert pizzas from Pizza Delight, the blueberry one obviously, and I am loving it.

Enjoy, and don't forget to like, comment or follow if you want to!

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