Chapter 23

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Frenchy sidles over to me on Monday morning as I'm getting my stuff out of my locker.

"Hey, Eve," she says her eyes darting from side to side. "How's Rizz, did it go okay?"

I smile while I bite down my irritation, if she was that concerned about Rizz she could have contacted her herself. "She's fine," I whisper. "Just taking a few days off school."

Frenchy nods her face a picture of sympathy. "It must be hard for her, I'd have been in touch but I don't want to blow her cover if you know what I mean."

I nod but I don't believe a word of it, she doesn't want to be associated with the scandal, that's what it amounts to. "It's done now," I say. "So don't go blabbing."

Frenchy looks offended but I don't care, she has a mouth on her almost as big as Marty's. She won't let the chance to gossip slip her by.

"I swear I won't say a word," she says crossing her chest although I bet she isn't even Catholic.

"Okay, keep it that way," I say slamming my locker shut. I turn on my heels heading for my homeroom, leaving Frenchy with her mouth gaping.

I barely get halfway down the corridor before Danny falls into step with me. "Hey, how're things?" he asks his eyes darting about furtively.

I give him an impatient look. "Well, they would be fine if people didn't stop to ask about Rizzo every two seconds!"

He jumps back putting his hands up. "I was just being polite. And I never even mentioned Rizz."

I let out a deep breath. "Sorry, I can't help being on edge. Frenchy just cornered me, and I know Jan and Marty are going to be suspicious when they realise Rizz is off school."

"She got a bug," Danny says smiling. "No need to sweat it."

When he puts it like that I feel foolish for being so defensive. "Yeah, this summer flu is really quite nasty isn't it."

"Exactly," he says winking. We go into our homeroom and Kenickie gestures to Danny to join him the minute we step through the door.

"Looks like you've been summoned," I say raising an eyebrow and Danny shakes his head taking a seat. Kenickie looks momentarily perplexed before turning to Sonny and pretending to listen to him.

"Have you guys fallen out?" I whisper taking the seat next to Danny's.

"Nah, it's just the way the guys follow me around sometimes, it gets kinda..." He pauses grappling for the right word.

"Stifling," I suggest and he nods.

"Yeah that's it, between them and Sandy, I'm stifled."

I can't help smiling at the way he says it and I see Kenickie looking at me, his eyes narrowed. "So what's happening with Sandy?" I ask ignoring Kenickie.

Danny runs his hand through his hair. "I guess I'm gonna have to change for her. Seems like I've gotta chose between her and the guys."

"Oh." I can't help feeling a bit disappointed at his words but I knew he wanted to try with Sandy. Silently I curse myself, I've been dwelling far too much on our near miss kiss that he's never even mentioned. He's such a flirt he probably does that sort of thing without thinking.

"Sandy means a lot to me," he says looking over at the guys. "I guess I have to put her first."

 "But surely you don't have to choose between anyone?"

"They're dorks, it's a no-brainer."

"I guess," I say catching Kenickie's eye again, and he scowls in Danny's direction.

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