Chapter 29

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Mrs McGee has really pulled out all the stops for the end of year celebrations. A fairground has been put up in the school field, and she's let all the seniors out of class early.

"This sucks," Kenickie grumbles to me.

"Not cool enough for you?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Nope." He looks over at the Ferris wheel where Frenchy and Rizzo are queuing. "Should she go on that thing in her condition?"

"She's not pregnant." He looks unconvinced. "She's not, she never was."

"Oh, right," he says feigning disinterest. "Maybe I'll catch up with her later."

I nod. "Yeah you should, but in the meantime, I need you to do me a favour."

He frowns as he lights a cigarette. "Go on."

"You know Johnny Nogerelli? He's been sniffing around Sylvia, I want you to warn him off."

Kenickie snorts. "What? He thinks he has a chance with my cousin?" He cracks his knuckles. "That ain't happening."

I hold in a smile. "My thoughts exactly, but be discreet Ken."

He gives me a dark look. "I'm not gonna let some punk take liberties. Where is he?"

"Still in class, so why don't you go sort things out with Rizzo? She still likes you."

"Yeah?" He perks up looking over at the Ferris wheel. "I guess there's no harm in saying hello." He winks before heading off to the Ferris wheel and I wander away looking for someone to hang out with. I spot Doody, Sonny and Putzie hovering around a stall where people are lining up to throw cream pies at Coach Calhoun, they all look peed off.

"Hey, guys," I say joining them. "What's up with your faces?"

"I failed phys ed," Doody grumbles. "How could I fail it?"

"I don't remember even taking it," Putzie says and Sonny nods turning his attention to Coach Calhoun.

"Why'd you fail us?" he asks sounding genuinely confused.

"I couldn't even give you guys an attendance mark. I guess you'll catch up in summer school."

Sonny grimaces and holds his hand out to Putzie. "You got any cash? He's begging to be pied."

Putzie rummages around in his pockets before handing a few coins over to Sonny. 

"Well let's see what you've got," Coach Calhoun says as Sonny eyes him up with the makeshift pie in his hand. He pauses, taking his shot far too seriously, and predictably it barely hits the board.

"Now if you hadn't cut class you wouldn't have missed," Coach Calhoun says grinning and Doody cuts his eyes at him.

"How about you take this." He throws a pie and his shot is even worse than Sonny's. He turns to Putzie pleading for more money as Danny saunters over wearing a white cardigan.

"What the hell are you doing in a letterman jacket?" Sonny asks gawping.

"Oh this," Danny says trying to adjust the collar that the cardigan doesn't have. He puts his hands down, awkwardly touching the sleave. "I got it when I was doing track."

"I see," Doody says looking disappointed. "That's how you graduated. You did track."

"Danny Zuko turned jock?" Sonny asks barely keeping the disgust out of his voice and Danny shrugs. They all exchange bewildered glances and I can't help laughing.

"Come on guys, it's a cardigan! Admittedly he looks like someone's granddad but why the long faces?"

"Hey it's not a cardigan," Danny says.

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