Chapter 28

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Johnny suggests we go for burgers at the Ice Palace and I can't help feeling both disappointed and apprehensive. I'd hoped for our first date we'd go somewhere a bit less public. Someone from school is bound to see us and go gossiping to Stephanie.

"Hey, we're supposed to be having fun," Johnny says grabbing my hand as we walk towards the Ice Palace. "You look like you've got a date with the firing squad." He laughs at his own joke.

"Can't we go somewhere else?"

He frowns slightly. "We could go to the Bowlarama but Steph usually goes there on a Friday night. I don't care but she might make a scene."

"Isn't there anywhere else?" Rydell isn't the biggest place but we could have gone to the movies or something.

Johnny's face breaks into his familiar cocky smile. "If you're gonna be my girl you'll have to get used to the attention. Plenty of chicks are gonna be jealous of you."

My heart sinks. I don't want other girls to be jealous of me, and I'm not sure I like the sound of being 'his' girl.

"Johnny I don't want to make waves with anyone. You said you and Steph were over..." Not only that, he was supposed to be my passport to popularity, I want to fit in.

He puts his hands on my shoulders as we stand outside the door. "Stop worrying, me and Steph are finished. I ain't going back."

I nod as he opens the door and we step inside. I jump back bumping into Johnny when I spot Rhonda and Goose sat at a table in the middle of the room. If we leave now they won't see us.

Johnny smiles. "Relax, we're just two friends getting something to eat."

I frown. "Two friends?"

"Yeah, don't let them make you think you're doing something wrong." He waves to Goose and my heart sinks even further as I watch Louis and Sharon sit down at the table, clearly they're all on a double date.

"Come on," Johnny says grabbing my hand and leading me over to where they're all sitting.

"Hi," Sharon says raising her eyebrows as she looks at our hands. "What are you guys doing here?"

Johnny adjusts his jacket. "Just hanging out."

"Yeah right," Goose says smirking.

"Does Steph know?" Sharon asks and Louis tries to hush her up.

Johnny scowls but he sits down, shoving Goose to make more room for us around the table.

"Watch the nose," Rhonda shrieks at Goose as she gets squashed between him and Sharon. "You nearly knocked me in the face with your elbow."

"That might be an improvement," Goose says and the guys all laugh.

Rhonda flushes. "Just you wait. One day I'll get a nose job and you'll need to find yourself a new girlfriend!" She crosses her arms and for once she doesn't sound like she's joking.

"What does that mean?" Goose asks.

"You gotta keep your chick happy," Johnny says grinning.

Rhonda rolls her eyes at Sharon and I think they're mostly messing with each other but I'm not entirely sure. It reminds me that I'm still very much an outsider.

"So are you guys going to the carnival next week?" Louis asks putting his arm around Sharon's shoulders.

"Well duh," Rhonda says. "We get outta class early so why wouldn't we?"

Louis shrugs. "If we do get out early."

"Yeah the carnival is for seniors," Sharon adds. "We might not even be allowed to go."

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