Chapter 25

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Rizz returns to school on Monday and for all intents and purposes, no one would know what she's been through. She walks down the corridor chewing her gum, ignoring the sly looks being sent her way. Of course, everyone thinks she's pregnant and girls like Patty Simcox don't want to let go of what's probably the best bit of gossip they've ever had.

"I'm wearing my tightest skirt," Rizzo says rolling her eyes in Patty's direction. "You'd think the penny would drop by now."

"So long as they don't put two and two together," Frenchy whispers her eyes widening.

"They won't if you guys keep your traps shut," Rizzo retorts, and I can't help bristling.

"Hey we were there for you, if you want to have a dig at anyone then have a dig at the friends who didn't have your back." I mean Marty but I don't need to spell it out.

Rizzo sighs. "Sorry guys, I guess I'm a bit crabby." She lets her shoulders drop. "It ain't easy coming back here."

Frenchy nods sympathetically. "Not long now till grad, and then we can all move on."

"Yeah to summer school," Rizzo snorts and I can't help laughing. Thank god I should have the grades to pass.


I have a free period after lunch and I was heading outside to have a smoke when Frenchy catches up with me.

"Why don't you come to watch drama class with me," she says taking me by surprise. "They're rehearsing The Taming of the Shrew."

"You want to watch rehearsals? It's a nice day, don't you want to sit outside?"

She frowns slightly. "No, the sun's bad for my complexion. I'm going for the pale and interesting look."

"With pink hair you've already nailed interesting," I tease her although her hair's now a bright auburn.

"Yeah, I know but come along anyway." She links her arm through mine dragging me down the corridor. "I sorta wanna talk to you."

My hackles go up, I hope it's not about Danny. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I just feel bad about the whole Rizzo thing. I wasn't there for her as much as I should have been. I guess I was scared." She turns apologetic eyes on me and it's hard to be mad at her.

"I was scared too, terrified really. I thought she might die or something."

"Yeah that's what I was thinking," she whispers as we enter the hall. "And then it would be my fault for helping her set the whole thing up."

"If you hadn't then I don't know what she'd have done." I could imagine Rizz taking matters into her own hands and then who knows what would have happened?

Frenchy shudders. "It's so strange. Beauty school was a disaster, but if I hadn't gone I'd never have been able to help Rizzo out. It's kinda like it was all part of the cosmic order, like I was put there for a reason."

I stifle a laugh as we make our way towards the stage. If it makes Frenchy feel better about her beauty school fiasco then who am I to mock? I see Sylvie sat with Louis and Paulette so we go join them.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I ask Sylvia sitting down next to her. I know she isn't in the play, it had already been cast before we joined Rydell.

"We're just giving Sharon some moral support," she says tilting her head towards the stage where the drama teacher, Miss Mason, is getting the cast into position. "She's playing Katherina."

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