Chapter 32

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"Now this is the place to hang out," I tell Michael as I lead him towards the Ice Palace. "All the kids from school come here unless they're at the bowling alley. The bowling alley's cool but you can't go there by yourself. That would be so lame."

Shut up Sylvie, you're rambling. Luckily Michael doesn't seem to notice, he's more in awe of the surroundings.

"Is it my imagination or is everything bigger over here?" he asks looking up at the huge sign outside the Ice Palace.

"Yeah, it is. It's bigger I mean, it's not your imagination." I don't know why I'm sounding like such a klutz, I guess I wasn't pink lady material after all. I can't imagine Steph losing her composure like this. My mouth turns down as I imagine her making up with Johnny while they change a tyre or put petrol in a car. It makes sense, as leaders of the T birds and pink ladies, they'll totally rule if they stick together, separately not so much.

We go inside and I direct Michael towards a booth. I had wanted to be seen out with him, to show everyone I have friends of my own, but now I'm having second thoughts. Michael's drop-dead gorgeous, way better looking than most of the guys around here, but he's kinda square. His clothes are too formal, too well put together, his slacks don't even have a crease in them. He needs to loosen up.

"I'm sorry you got lumbered with me," he says as we sit down. "My parents feel guilty about uprooting me so they're desperate for me to make some friends."

"Oh no, it's no problem." But lose the tie. "It's nice for me not to feel like the new girl for once, even after all this time I still feel like an outsider."

His mouth turns down slightly. "That's what worries me, I'm not sure if I'll fit in."

I try to give him a reassuring smile. "Ignore me, I'm a bit paranoid, well a lot actually." He raises his eyebrows. "It's just in my friend group one or two of the girls haven't really accepted me, and the guys are only interested in whether you're girlfriend material or not."

"I guess I don't need to worry about being girlfriend material," he says with a wink.

"No, that's one thing you have in your favour." I let out a dramatic sigh. "And you're definitely boyfriend material."

"Are you saying you're not girlfriend material?" he asks raising his eyebrows. "Because I find that hard to believe."

I smile despite myself. "It's pretty complicated with my friends' cos they have these weird rules and codes." He looks at me uncomprehending. "Like it's all about who your boyfriend is, and if he makes the grade then you fit in but if he doesn't forget it."

"Do you like someone who doesn't make the grade?"

I shake my head. "No, that's the frustrating thing. There's a boy who likes me and if I went out with him I'd probably be accepted into the group, but I don't like him in that way. And then there's another guy who I sort of like but getting with him would make my life hellishly complicated." Stop rambling.

"I see," Michael says with an expression that shows he clearly doesn't. "So what exactly is the problem with the two potential boyfriends?"

I frown, suspecting he's mocking me. "Well Davey, the one who likes me, is too short and I only see him as a friend. And the other guy, Johnny, he's still hung up on his ex, who I suppose is sort of my friend. And one of my other friends also likes him."

"That sounds awkward," Michael says, the corners of his mouth twitching as he holds in his laughter.

"Yeah, it is." I stand up looking around the room to see if I recognise anyone. "I'll go get us some milkshakes."

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