Chapter 62: Time Alone

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Chapter 62: Time Alone

With Dawn on Salamence's back on our flight to Mauville City, we had stayed pretty close to the ground. Now, we held nothing back.

I'd never flown on the back of a Pokemon before last night. I had never been afraid of heights, though to know we were now about two thousand feet in the air and I had no safety restraints of any kind was somewhat unnerving. I was just as new to flying as Salamence was. The only difference was I'd read about it, studied it. Still, he had his natural instinct, which was more valuable than any book I could possibly read.

I looked at the clouds above us. They were puffy. "Salamence, those are Cumulous clouds. As you can tell, flying right now is easier because of the thermal currents. These currents are caused when warm air is next to cool air. The warm air rises, pushing you upwards so your wings don't have to, causing flying to be less of an exertion. Always check the types of clouds when flying."

Salamence's wings were broad and stayed still as the thermal continued for a second before he was forced to flap as the current ended.

"If you are tired and need the help flying, thermals normally appear in mountains, next to rivers, and over fields. That's the most important type of cloud. Most other clouds include precipitation and you shouldn't be flying then, though we'll practice in case of emergency."

I heard him grumble at the possibility of flying during a storm.

"So much for growing wings, Bagon," I said, knowing it would irritate him to call him by his unevolved form's name.

He roared in rage.

"Now that you're angry, dive. Remember, you've done this before while fighting off another Salamence. Don't be afraid."

Without warning, Salamence dove. I squeezed myself tightly to his body, the wind forcing my hair away from my face. I had to squint my eyes, which began watering from the air forcing itself at me.

"Pull up," I ordered after he dove a thousand feet. We were still very far from the ground, though it only took seconds to descend considering he could dive at about one hundred and forty miles per hour. He buffeted his wings and I felt him falter at the abrupt change. "You need to use your head to steer. Your tail is a rudder to help you balance. Focus."

Salamence steadied himself and began experimenting with moving his neck and tail to change the direction he was flying. I could feel his tail especially working on making sure he was balanced, being carried in the air perfectly.

I took a moment to realize the miracle that flight was, that Flying Pokemon got to experience on a daily basis. Did they take it for granted, being this high in the air, above the world, seeing it from a different perspective?

My eyes scanned the scenery below. We were pretty far away from Mauville, but I knew that Dawn was down there on the ground somewhere, no matter if I could see her or not. It was odd, being this high up and seeing all around me, farther than anyone on the ground could see. The extent of how far I could see what would happen in the future with Dawn was still pretty unknown, but at least I felt the courage I needed to find out myself.

"Dive again. This time, hold nothing back," I commanded.

Salamence roared before plummeting down, the exhilaration making me almost yell out from the excitement of newfound freedom. Almost.


The Pokemon Center at Mauville City was close to a small line of shops. As nice as the Pokemon Center was and how safe being in our room was, I didn't think I could really handle being absolutely alone. The only reason I'd been able to fall asleep last night was because of Paul. If I hadn't been right next to him, hearing him breathe, it would have been impossible to turn off all the fear and panic even after knowing I was away from Team Magma.

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