Author's Note

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Hey everyone!

I know it's been weeks since I've updated. Life has been really busy with school and work, so I haven't had time to finish the next chapter, which is actually the last chapter of First Light. It's almost finished, but really it's hard to end it because I've put years into this story and even if Dawn and Paul's story isn't over, it's just so weird to be finished. Kind of like how moms get super clingy to their kids before they move out to go to college or wherever life takes them. Except if I ever referred to Paul as my baby I'm sure he'd kill me. Yeah that'd be awkward. 

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am working on it, though I don't know when I will post it and I'm glad you've all been so patient. Fridays are now super busy with me because I go to a Christian group at my school, so I don't come home from work straight away to post or anything. And this weekend I'll be at a Christian camp instead of doing homework and writing. Those are examples as to why my progress is as slow as a Slowpoke. But hey, last chapter. You want it to be amazing, right?

So really, as soon as I can summon the courage to finish the last few sentences and complete the final chapter, I'll be posting it. I'll probably send a message to my followers that it'll be posted later that day so you can race to read it if that's something you enjoy.

By the way, I don't want to be big headed as I say this, but if any of you are fans and are also artists and ever want to draw a scene from First Light, I'd love to post it alongside the chapter it fits. I didn't know if anyone ever thought of doing that, or wanted to, but I'd be ecstatic if anyone did. No pressure or anything! I've always imagined scenes so easily since this all does happen in my head that I wish I had the drawing skills to accompany my writing, but I was gifted knowing how to paint with words and that's about it when it comes to the arts. So yeah, if you'd love to draw something, message me about that!

For everyone who has shared Paul and Dawn's journey with me, thank you. I didn't know First Light would ever do this well. I almost have 100,000 reads right now and that's just amazing. All of your support has been so inspirational and I'm glad to have such great readers!

Have an amazing weekend. The final chapter isn't too far behind.


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