appetence | Bokuto Koutarou

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General information:

warning(s): none 

reader info: the reader will go by he/him/his pronouns. the reader is a third-year at fukurodani gakuen and is a part of the photography club. 

word count: 3976

other info: a request from tumblr. this work is not following the manga/anime, but it exists in the same universe. please note that this is also posted on my quotev and deviantart. this is not beta read, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes. 

(n.) An eager desire, an instinctive inclination; an attraction or a natural bond.

Sometimes Akaashi forgot that he was just the vice-captain on their volleyball team. Not because he didn't have any duties, but because he felt as if every duty fell upon him instead of the rightful captain, Bokuto Koutarou.

Yes, he was an excellent player and he had indeed led them to many victories, but when it came to other duties such as going over the newest members' recruit forms and arranging appointments with other athlete and non-athlete clubs at their school Akaashi was left to deal with it on his own.

This situation was no different, and if Bokuto had kept up his work and schedule, he would have known that someone from the photography club was coming to shoot some pictures for the school newspaper's volleyball nationals article. The newspaper club's photographer was currently sick, so they had asked a senior from the photo club to step in.

Akaashi, however, knew this. He was well aware of that fact since he was the one who'd allowed the photographer to take pictures of the team practising, but he had refrained from letting Bokuto know. Which was why he found himself watching a confused and slightly annoyed volleyball team captain argue with a just as confused and angered third-year who held a camera.

"I'm telling you," Akaashi heard Bokuto argue the nearer he grew closer to the conflict. "I have not agreed to let some idiotic paparazzi take pictures of our practice." He finished loudly as he glared at the male in front of him.

"Believe me, birdie, I'd rather photograph some dead rats than your rude ass," You smiled sickly sweet at the obnoxious athlete, loving how he twitched in response. "But unfortunately for the both of us, I have been assigned this task and I have been allowed to photograph you playing with balls even though I bet you suck horseshit."

"You little-,"

"Bokuto-san." Akaashi interrupted before the two third-years broke out in a fist fight. When the mentioned boy saw his vice-captain walk towards you, he sent you a shit-eating grin in hope that Akaashi would back him up.

"I agreed to let the newspaper club write an article about us since we're going to nationals."

The victorious smirk painting his face was wiped off just as quickly as it had appeared when grey-haired volleyball player realised what his vice-captain had said. This caused you to grin and wiggle your eyebrows at the third-year beside you, who in response just sulked heavily.

"Akaashi," Bokuto whined childishly as he glared at you. "How can you be so mean, I thought you were supposed to back the awesome me up here."

You snorted at that, finding his mood swings somewhat amusing. Akaashi however, who dealt with Bokuto on a daily basis, sighed in annoyance.

"Absolutely not. If you haven't forgotten this is not an elementary school and you're not six years old, Bokuto-san." The captain's figure seemed to slump more with every harsh word Akaashi directed towards him. "And you wouldn't be in this situation if you actually did your tasks for once instead of dumping them on me."

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