throw it like a frisbee | Oikawa Tooru

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General information:

Oikawa Tooru x Male!Reader

warning(s): none

reader info: the reader will go by he/him/his pronouns.

*italics are tooru's thoughts and flashbacks

word count: 1038

other info: this work is not following the manga/anime, but it exists in the same universe just in a different future. please note that this is also posted on my quotev and tumblr. this is not beta read by a beta reader, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes.


Narrowed, cold eyes drilled holes into his significant other's back, lips pulled down in a frown at the sight before him. He felt restless, tapping his fingers impatiently on the wooden table, crossing and uncrossing his legs over and over again. Huffing in annoyance, Tooru averted his eyes away from your figure standing in front of the cashier, regretting that he let you order for the both of you.

"Take him on a nice and cute date," his teammates had said, "he'll love it, not to mention fall more for you, though I wonder why he fell for you in the first place." Makki had finished, earning himself a nasty glare from his captain.

Why did I listen to those idiots...

Lost in thought, Oikawa snapped his head up immediately when he heard your soft giggle all the way from the cashier which caused another ugly expression to form on his face.

When he finally managed to ask you out on a date which you accepted, little miss barista with doe-like eyes had to bat her full eyelashes in your direction and steal your attention away from himself.

Tooru had even gone as far to research what places he could take you to, browsed apps such as trip advisor just to find this coffee-hellhole he now deemed it as.

"Where did you even find this place, Oikawa-san?" You asked as you stepped into the seemingly cosy yet hidden café. Warmth surrounded both of your bodies at once and a sweet scent of crushed coffee beans and cream filled your senses with every inhale you took.

"I have my secret ways, [Nickname]-chan," he sent you a teasing wink causing your cheeks to flush slightly, "and please don't treat me so formally, I did ask you on a date, after all, so Tooru or darling is perfectly fine." When he finished, your cheeks had turned a darker shade of red and he felt a slight thrill due to the fact that he affected so.

The nice atmosphere and comfortableness the two of you created around each other disappeared just as quickly as the barista smiled in their direction. You had at least stood there talking with the cute girl, Tooru admitted she was cute after all, for five minutes or more.

How long does it take to make one medium dark mocha coffee with caramel shots and soymilk?

Grumbling under his breath, Tooru knew he was pouting but he was tired of seeing you smile at somebody else than him and laughing with somebody else than him. He was just tired of waiting.

Lost in his own self-pity and revenge filled daydream where he cut the barista's hair with ugly chops, he failed to notice your taller and slender form hurry back to the table as fast as you could without spilling any of the precious and expensive liquid.

"Here you go, Tooru." You smiled at his slumped form and placed his overly fancy order in front of him.

Blinking slightly confused and as if he couldn't believe his own eyes, Tooru blurted out: "Are you an angel?"

His sudden, though cute comment made your cheeks heat up again and you averted your eyes away from his bright brown ones in hope that he wouldn't notice your embarrassment.

"You wish." You replied, chuckling awkwardly before you took a small sip of your (coffee).

Either Tooru didn't seem to mind or notice your flustered state and followed you by tasting his own mocha. Placing the cup down at the table again and letting out a pleased sigh, Tooru glanced at you with a content expression, all of his former worries washed away by the sight of you.

Meeting his eyes this time, you let out a sudden laugh as you noticed a new 'moustache' adorning his upper lip.

"Did it taste good?" You asked, a teasing smile playing at your lips.

Tooru nodded, confused by why you suddenly laughed and looked behind him thinking something there had caught your attention. "Yeah, why?"

"Oh nothing, really..." You trailed off before you reached over the table and swiped the cream off his lip with your thumb in a gentle manner. "But I thought so judging by your new moustache."

This caught the volleyball captain off guard and he jumped slightly, startled by your bold move. Though the realisation seemed to hit him just as quick and he pouted rather adorably at you. "That was mean, [Nickname]-chan."

You giggled at that and sent him a wink to mimic his former actions.

"Oh, by the way," you started, remembering something and reaching into your pocket to pull something out, "the barista gave me this-,"

Before you could finish your sentence, Tooru had snatched the small piece of paper out of your hands and with an elegant flick of his wrist, flung it away and out of sight like a frisbee.

"Begone witchcraft." He said angrily, glaring in the direction he threw the paper as if he wanted it to catch on fire.

You stared at him with wide eyes not expecting that at all.

"What, I mean why-," you interrupted yourself, shaking your head in disbelief. "Why did you throw away her number, Tooru, you could have rejected her in a much nicer way."

"Because I'm not letting her steal you away from me- wait, the number was for me?" He asked, shocked over the new fact.

"Yes of course, who else? Me?"

Tooru stared at you dumbly as if the answer was obvious.

"Wait, really? You were jealous?"

This time the third year's cheeks flushed with colour and you smirked, happy with the new discovery. The tables had turned in a positive direction.

"Oh well, I can see why you were worried." You said, mocking him in a playful manner.

"Fuck off, [Name]." Tooru scoffed, annoyed at himself that he let his inner thoughts slip.

"Darling, I'll do the fucking in this relationship."

Tooru chocked on his drink and ended up spilling most of it on the floor, leaving the barista to glare at them as they hurried, giggling like two pre-teens, out of the door. Though you most likely wouldn't visit that café again, the date was successful in more than one way.

Anime Characters x Male!Reader 🌹 [Oneshots]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن