so you like men too? | Jyugo (1315)

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General information:

warning(s): none

reader info: the reader will go by he/him/his pronouns.

word count: 1953

other info: this work is not following the manga nor the anime to a tee, but it exists in the same universe. please note that this is also posted on my quotev. this is not beta read, so please excuse me if you see any mistakes.


“So…” You dragged out in a slow manner, clearly not a bit fazed by the commotion in front of you. “Why did you decide to escape this time?” The words came out as a sigh earning playful and mocking facial expressions from the infamous escapees.

“Don’t be like that [Name], mate,” Uno exclaimed in a fake hurt voice as he threw his arms up in the air in a quite dramatic way, “we came all the way from block 13 only to be met with your cold shoulder? Harsh.” The last word was dragged out as a whine.

You only frowned in response and brushed it off in as something sordid. “Please do not address me as your ‘mate’,” you sighed out in an annoyed manner while glaring at the Briton from your peripheral vision. It wasn’t your fault that they decided to escape just to pay you a visit.

“[Name]!” Uno wailed out unhappily making you smirk. “I can’t stand your cruel ways of teasing!”

This made you chuckle, he was simply too easy to rile up. The poor fellow wasn’t even aware of it himself.

Ignoring the complaining Brit, you turned to the rest of the oh so infamous inmates from block 13. Glancing quickly into a set of gold, crimson, and lastly, a set of heterochromatic irises, you looked at them all with a questioning yet hard glare, as in asking them why they suddenly decided to come all the way to block 5. Out of the prison blocks, 5 had to be one of the less interesting ones. At least it happened something in block 13 every other day with Jyugo, Rock, Nico and Uno escaping from Hajime’s hard grip. You knew very well that the other inmates in said block kept themselves busy and preoccupied with betting on how long it took before Hajime caught them all.

“Now who’s going to tell me why you went through so much just to bother me?”

A tense silence filled the room as the four cellmates sent each other sets of weird expressions making it seem as all of them were urging the other to spill the beans.

“You know I do not have time for this childish soundless conversation,” You tapped your foot irritated. “And as far as I know, you are in the same situation. I’m willing to bet a few yuan that Hajime is already on his way here, which will probably piss off Gokuu to certain extends, which roughly means you four are in deep shit.”

This seemed to stress the prisoners from block 13 to the point that Rock finally was the one to reveal why they out of the blue decided to pay block 5 a surprise visit.

“Erhm, you see [Name], buddy,” His thick American accent rang through your ears as he tried to form sentences filled with stuttering and hesitation as he every other word glanced at his cellmates for help, confirmation, signs of him saying anything wrong and whatnot.

It wasn’t as if you had something against Rock, he was extremely handsome, charming and bright, but when it came to anything else than food, brute force and escaping, the big American was out of his comfort zone and seemed more like a fish out of water than anything.

“Spit it out already,” You sighed. “You’re wasting your precious time by stuttering nothing but nonsense.”

Rock bit his lip dejectedly as a flush spread in his cheeks and he averted his eyes from your piercing (e/c) ones. You were known for your harsh and blunt way of speaking, which was one of the reasons they had escaped from block 13 to block 5, but he never expected you to be this straightforward.

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