Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine


Lake City, LA


“There you are, maufucka.”

Brandon was slowly regaining consciousness. The world had exploded all around him as the building was hit from all sides with a barrage of careening bullets.

“Get the fuck up!” 

Brandon was jerked to his knees and he felt his shoulder pop out of the socket. He was pushed against the wall.

His oppressor ducked down saying, “Gotta get the fuck up outta here.” He poked at Brandon’s dislocated shoulder with his gun. “Trump! Salsa!”

Gunfire was the only response.

“There a back way outta here?” 

Brandon shook his head.

“Fuck! Okay…when I say, we gonna bust up outta here.” 

Brandon knew this was a horrible idea, but he was in too much pain to fight back. He was yanked to his feet as he contemplated the final minutes of his life.

Using Brandon as a shield, the man shoved him toward the double doors. Death awaited them on the other side.

Brandon mouthed the Lord’s Prayer.

Our Father,”

Bullets obliterated the front windows to the left of the main entrance. Shards of flying glass cut into Brandon’s cheek.

“Which Art In Heaven,”

The man checked his clip and safety.

“Hallowed Be Thy Name,”

Car doors slammed shut. Men yelled at each other to surround the building.

“Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, In Earth As It Is In Heaven,”

The man commanded Brandon to kick the doors open.

“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread,”

 Sunlight blinded Brandon as the doors burst open into the day. He stared up into the mournful blue sky.

“And Forgive Us Our Trespasses, As We Forgive Them That Trespass Against Us,”

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