Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three



New Roads, LA


Two knocks on the door interrupted Lincoln’s train of thought.

A heavyset nurse entered. “Times up, Ms. Deveaux. Please follow me.”

“We just need a few more minutes,” Jhonnette replied. “Can we work that out?”

“Let’s talk outside, Ms. Deveaux.”

Jhonnette followed the nurse into the hall.

“Sorry,” the nurse said. “The police just called. They’re coming to move the patient.”

“Where are they moving him?”

“I don’t know, but he might be able to help you out.” She nodded at someone over Jhonnette’s shoulder.

Jhonnette turned just in time to see Snake Roberts enter Lincoln’s room.

* * * * *

The drug’s effects overtook Lincoln, helping him understand the hunger in the eyes of all those painkiller addicts he’d sold to over the years. Morphine was the shit. Not feeling any pain was a strange sensation.

The door opened and he looked up in anticipation, ready to share this revelation with Jhonnette.

“Guess wha—”

“Don’t you mean guess who?” Snake Roberts smirked.

* * * * *

Ok, this is it. You can do this.

There was only one way to ensure Lincoln trusted her enough to give her what she needed. Jhonnette pressed her ear to the door.

Poor Snake. He’d been an essential part of her plan, but had served his purpose. Still, a part of her ached at the thought of what she was about to do. Over the past few months, she’d developed a soft spot for the man. This was no time for sentimentality. She had to focus.

She removed a small handgun from her purse. After screwing a silencer onto the barrel, she opened the door as quietly as she could.

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