Chapter Forty-Nine

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Chapter Forty-Nine

Ten years earlier


Lake City, LA

“Wake up, kiddo, wake up.”

Karen rolled away and pulled the covers over her head. “Leave me alone, Kristopher.”

He shook her gently. “Come on, Smurfette. I need to tell you something.”

Karen groaned and turned back over. “I told you to stop calling me that! I’m gonna tell Mom.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. How are you doing?”

“I’m sleepy. Whaddaya want?” She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. Kristopher’s face was all bruised up. He’d fallen off his bike a couple of days ago. Karen had just gotten the training wheels off hers.

“I need you to listen to me very carefully, Karen. Can you do that?”

His tone was so serious Karen became afraid. She looked him over again. Though it was dark outside, he was fully dressed.

“Where are you going, Kristopher?”

He looked away. “I need to do something, Karen. Something to keep you safe.”

“Safe from what?”

Kristopher sighed. “You remember that story Abby told us?”

Karen remembered. She’d had nightmares for a week after. “What about it?”

“I need to do something about the curse.”

Now Karen was really scared. “But Abby said the curse was dead.”

“What if it isn’t? What if I don’t do anything and Dad drops dead, or Mom, or…you?”

“What…what are you gonna do?”

“I’m gonna go see Abby tonight and I need you to cover for me. Can you do that?”

Normally Karen would challenge him, but this was serious. She nodded.

“Good girl. Don’t worry, kiddo. Everything’s gonna be alright. I’m sorry if I scared you.” Kristopher stood and walked toward the door. “Oh, one more thing. I got you something.”


“Look on top of your TV.”

Karen squinted in the dark and saw Kristopher’s prized Sony discman resting atop her SuperNintendo. She was immediately suspicious—he never let her touch it. “What’s going on, Kristopher?”

“Nothing. Mom got me a newer one yesterday for my birthday, remember? Besides, I’m going off to college in a couple of months and I know how much you’ve always wanted this. So think of it as a present.”

Karen jumped out of bed and hugged Kristopher hard. “You’re the best big brother ever!”

“And you’re my favorite sister.”

“I’m your only sister!”

“I know, kiddo. And I love you. There’s a CD already in the player, but you gotta promise me that you won’t play it until I say, okay?”

“Who is it?”

“You’ll see soon, kiddo. You promise not to listen?”

Karen pouted. “Promise.”

Kristopher hugged her tight again. “Have sweet dreams, kiddo.”

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