lunar dust

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The king previously mentioned in the last chapter is the water king. He lives solely in the ocean, he is afraid of being on land. With that being said, Akia's baby father is the actual king, he runs all the lands apart from the moon's side. The sun king is the title of the child Akia has yet to birth.


"Wait so do werewolves fuck wolves." The she-wolf asked and Donovan sighed.

"is that what you're most curious about Clarke?" Donovan asked.
She shrugged wiping the blood on her face.

"Can they speak to us?"
"Do they look like they have anything to say to you?" Donovan said and Clarke growled, the feeding wolves whimper, submitting in fear.

"I love that." She said with a smile on her face.

"You could fuck wolves if you wanted but it's incredibly frowned upon and considered disgustingly barbaric, besides why would you want to?" Donovan asked watching the creatures continue to eat.
"Aren't we the same species why is it strange?"

"It's strange because you're sentient and can verbalize your consent. We aren't wolves Clarke, I am a shape shifting werewolf, you are only part werewolf. What makes our species different from them is that we are still human. You a lot more than me."
"I wanna try one day."
"Don't be so vile."

"Could I become human again?" Clarke asked and Donovan nodded.
"You can, that's why I'm taking you to my father. He'll treat your bite and all of this will seem like a bad dream." Donovan said and Clarke frowned.

"What if I didn't want to stop being like this, what if I wanted to become a full werewolf."
"A witch, but witches aren't the type that make wolves like me. They make rouges that harm and feed on humans."

"have you ever fed on a human?"Clarke asked donovan who avoided eye contact.

"I had an impulse control issue but I'm older now. those days are behind me."

"what did they taste like?"

"meat?, none of it is really ever too different." Donovan said but clarke wasn't listening, instead she was sniffing the air.

"what's that smell?" she asked and donovan allowed his sense of smell overwhelm his senses.

"thats the smell of horses and humans and- April?!" he jumped up from the rock that they were both laying on. he starts running without any care of where he was going and whether or not the newly turned wolf was following behind him. he'll get april and then he'd find the girl again.

he howls gleefully jumping over large rocks and fallen trees, his howls encourage the wolves that were eating the meat clarke had hunted to start howling loudly too.

clarke was jumping from tree to tree following the man excitedly. there were so many things she wanted to taste with her new carnivore tongue and teeth.

by the time donovan gets to the carriage he sees wolves in front of it already attempting to attack the frightened horses and the equally if not more frightened conductors. donovan hides himself besides the carriage.

he growls emitting the strength in his core and the wolves began growling back, jolting forward to attack the horses even more now.

donovan's eyes began to glow yellow as he begins growling and lowering himself to meet their levels. they didn't seem to want to retrieve.

the growl that came next surprised donovan because it wasn't his own but clarke's. the wolves whimper and then start to run into the woods once more.

"they weren't even the tiniest bit afraid of you." clarke said mockingly to donovan who replied.

"they were rabid, regular wolves are afraid of humans."donovan said and clarke snickered. the door to the carriage opened up and a fat guard got out and taking his sword and holding it out to donovan and clarke in a fighting posture.

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