Pagaent: act 1

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Recap: April explains her plan to expose and take down the king, Akia reveals to the king that she has no intention of joining the pageant. Later Akia meets a pageant girl name asuka who happens to be a siren and who she deems the greatest competition. Asuka finds out that they're not the only one looking for the Stone.

Akia's eyes opened to find Eleanor's boring into hers with her face inches away from her own. She jumps frightened by her friend's overwhelming closeness.
"I knew that'd wake you up." Eleanor said before poking Akia's cheek.
"So how'd it go with the king did he agree?" Eleanor asked and Akia frowned. She knew this was coming but she hadn't had time to prepare to discuss her failure.

"He wasn't in the mood for favors." Akia asked with a sigh.
"This isn't just a favor Akia, this is my life. If I marry Sir Michaelson I will be found hanging from my window. He's 56 with 5 wives already. You never got the marriage fear because you were locked away, even before here you were locked away, you lived in a fantasy. You're still living in a fantasy. It's horrific out there, my sister Claudine was married off to some old smelly sailor, she has extreme sea sickness. She's probably on a ship somewhere vomiting. Please Akialine, don't take this lightly. Do this for me."

"I understand Eleanor, those were unsavory choice of words I'm willing to help you whichever way that I can. The king and I have bad blood-" Akia said and Eleanor sits up.
"Why what happened what's you do?" She asked and Akia shook her head.
"Yesterday he invited me to breakfast. He made me a dress that doesn't exactly fit because my pregnancy has turned me into a talking cow."

"Oh? I hadn't noticed." Eleanor said staring directly at Akia's chest.
"He got angry with me for absolutely no reason at all when I was being cordial." Akia whined.
"He kicked me out!" Akia said and Eleanor's mouth gaped open.
"The king kicked you out of his chambers?!" Eleanor asked and I sighed
"I didn't even get a chance to ask him."

"What angered him."

"I don't know if I'm being frank, he found out I wasn't going to join the pageant and just snapped."

"Was he angry enough to ask for your head?"
"He wasn't angry when he asked for my body so who knows maybe this time he'll ask the gods to grant him my whole soul as retribution."

"Akia this is the king we are talking about." Eleanor said and Akia smacked her lips. Eleanor was shocked at her behavior. The young girl was usually very well behaved and she had never witnessed her perform such rude actions towards any one much less a king.

"I'm well aware. He ends my life and expects it to all be okay after a pageant?, I've never been the sort to be ungrateful but that doesn't seem like enough." Akia said as she plops down on her freshly made bed with white fur decorating it.

"Akia you're looking at this from the most twisted angle." Eleanor said plopping in besides me.
"I can not begin to fathom why you don't see this as a blessing. You are carrying the next king. That puts you hire than our queen once that baby is born you're not going to be a queen, no such a title would be too little for you. You'll be the queen mother. The queen will ask you for permission before she leaves the palace. She'll bow to you whenever you appear in her presence." Eleanor explained as if such a thing was common knowledge.

"That's only true if the king chooses to marry me besides I don't want to be queen much less the Queen mother." Akia said displaying such a visible disinterest at the premise.
"why not?" Eleanor asked.

"The Queen we have now is garbage. She only helps specific ranks of women. She helps the village girls by forcing them to convert and marry warrior men who rape and then don't even give them the benefit of being a wife, they just choose again. Then She sends guards to trick them into signing their lives over to slavery. She promises them very little in return for their entire lives. If you were the queen mother this land would shine brightly I know this as truth." Eleanor says and Akia has never heard anything like that before.

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