Chapter 9-Extreme Kisses & Ex Boyfriends

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Mia's Pov.

The day had ended really fast and since I didn't see Penelope and Yoko at lunch because I was with Jamie I searched for them as soon as school was over.
I said a small prayer for Jamie in mind so his tryout would go well.
I exited the school gates to see Adam and Penelope sucking each others faces.
I didn't even know they had their first kiss yet so obviously I was taken aback by this public display of affection.
It would have been hilarious if her dad pulled up and saw the show.

"What up kids?",I interrupted.
They pulled away from their disgusting kiss and smiled at me.
"Mia",Adam said hugging me.
I did not know we did that now.
"Brother- in- law?",I smiled.
"Jamie already proposed?",he laughed.
"He's kidding Mia",Penelope cleared her throat.
What did that even mean?
"How was the milkshake date?"
"It wasn't a date Adam",I said sternly.
"If you say so-ohhh looks like my dad's here,I got to get going",he said kissing Penelope goodbye in a flash and waving me off before he left.
"So when are you gonna tell the parents?",I asked.
"When we're ready I guess,what about you?"
"You and Jamie",she said wiggling her eyebrows.
"Shut your face. Where's Yoko?",I asked.
"She already left",Penelope shrugged.
"Well I should be leaving too,I have quite a bit of Math homework to do",I groaned.
"You're gonna leave me here,alone?",she questioned sadly.
"No,there's your dad right now",I said as I saw a blue Nissan pulling up.
"It's about time,hey you want a ride?",she asked with a smile.
"I just know your dad is going to ask me how the studying is going and I can't respond with "What studying?" Now can I?",I rolled my eyes.
"Fine,I love you",she said hugging me and disappearing.
I began the walk home in silence when a song popped into my head.
I'm So Tired By an artist called
I couldn't resist the urge to sing aloud and so I figured that since I was alone that wasn't a problem.
I belted out the chorus and bobbed my head a little.
"I'm So Tired Of Love Songs,Tired Of Love Songs,Tired Of Love.Just Wanna Go Home,Wanna Go Home,Wanna Go."

I jumped at the sound of a male voice.
"Oh my...I- am s-sorry",I stuttered speechless when I turned around to see Jared Walker.
"It's okay,I was the one sneaking up on you",he laughed and it was the most cutest thing I had ever heard.
"No really I am completely mortified right now",I said probably turning more and more red with each second that passed.
"Don't be,you have a great voice,maybe Idols?",he smiled and I noticed how alike him and his brother actually were.
How was it possible for people to be so damn good looking?
"Idols?I think I would have better luck joining a mariachi band",I shook my head and he laughed.
"You humour me",Jared replied catching his breath.
"Thank you"
"Hey where do you live?",Jared inquired playing with the straps of his school bag.
"Just up the road",I replied.
"Oh yes,Jamie told me it's not that far from our place.At least we can walk together",he shrugged with a smile.

Jamie's POV.
I sat on the bleachers,excited as ever for my tryout.I knew I could do it,I was good at football,before I could even speak I had a ball between my legs and I don't like giving people credit but my father taught me everything I know.
"You Adam's friend?"
I looked up to see where the voice came from and saw a slightly thick brown haired girl standing in front of me,she wore a lettermate jacket.
"Yes. I'm Jamie,uh am I late?",I asked looking around at the empty field.
"No,no we're over on this side ",the girl smiled and pointed to her left.
I stood up and followed her to the far end of the field.
The entire team was there,all wearing their jackets joined by a few others who I assumed were also vying for the spot that was open.
"You think I can do this?",I asked the girl as we neared the group of people.
"Adam said you're a Coutinho so I would think so and honestly it would be nice to actually have another person would talent on the team",the girl nodded.

"You're on the team?",I asked perplexed as I ran my fingers through my hair nervously.
"We had a case where the boys in our school weren't man enough to play real football so they brought me in",she winked but it wasn't seductive at all.
Maybe she played for the other team.
"Well I look forward to playing beside you uh?"
"Nicki",she said making a gun sign and sticking her tongue out.
I chuckled as I headed to stand with the crowd and almost instantaneously the coach appeared.
"Right maggots-whoah there's more of you then I expected",the coach said surprised.
"I bet they all can't play,coach.They're soft",a tall,slightly broad guy with slick back hair said.
He thought he was so good.
I wanted to kick him in the face.
"Shut up Trent,let's see what they've got,remember only one spot",coach yelled.
I should have known.
I take it that we will definitely not be friends and I don't mind.


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